雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. This new exhibition "Human Body" exhibition, as part of the "Creating new experience" series, will show the inner structures and workings of the human body with the latest, cutting-edge technology including 3D & 4D display. The exhibition will allow the audience to explore the mystery of the human body in an intriguing way.

  2. 常設展覽 –「人體結構」. 人體猶如一台極為複雜的機器,每天二十四小時不斷運作,到底「機器」內裡的組件如何協調?. 此展覽屬「創建新體驗」系列的展覽之一,以嶄新媒體包括3D及4D技術揭示人體內部系統的運作及結構,讓觀眾以有趣的方式探索奧妙的 ...

  3. This new exhibition “Human Body” exhibition, as part of the “Creating new experience” series, will show the inner structures and workings of the human body with the latest, cutting-edge technology including 3D & 4D display. The exhibition will allow the audience to explore the mystery of the human body in an intriguing way.

  4. 最新常設展覽 –「人體結構」. 人體猶如一台極為複雜的機器,每天二十四小時不斷運作,到底「機器」內裡的組件如何協調?. 此展覽屬「創建新體驗」系列的展覽之一,以嶄新媒體包括3D及4D技術揭示人體內部系統的運作及結構,讓觀眾以有趣的方式探索奧妙 ...

  5. 參觀指南 | Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences. Contact us|. English. 中文. Contact Details 聯絡資料 Tel 電話: (852) 2549 5123Fax 傳真: (852) 2559 9458Email 電郵: info@hkmms.org.hkAddress: 2 Caine Lane, Mid-Levels, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong地址:香港上環半山堅巷二號. 最新消息.

  6. The Mission of the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences is to provide a stimulating environment for public education on health and medical sciences, past, present and future; for local and overseas visitors to appreciate aspects of Hong Kong’s rich medical heritage, including Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as Western Scientific Medicine; t...

  7. 近年本港精神健康議題備受關注,我們有幸邀請香港關顧自閉聯盟主席范德穎醫生為我們介紹精神健康及藝術治療的工作。. 在這次講座我們將探討 (1) 創意藝術與精神健康的關係、 (2) 如何在精神健康工作上應用創意藝術以及藝術家在公眾精神健康上擔任的角色 ...

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