雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 助人們活出更健康、更長壽和更愉快的人生。. 我們相信保險能為人們的生活帶來積極正面的變化。. 透過提供所需的產品和服務,向客戶、僱員、代理及他們所工作及生活的社區積極推廣健康生活及福祉 - 助人們活出更健康、更長壽和更愉快的人生。. 瞭解更多.

  2. 營業團隊殊榮. 此榮譽是嘉許及表揚榮獲5次或以上友邦高峰會海外會議出席資格的營業精英,同時亦表彰他們為客戶提供全面的專業服務;得獎者以超凡實力、出色表現成為友邦營業精英。 2023. 2021. 2019. 2017. 2015. 2013. 2011. 2009. 2007. 2005. 2003. 2001. 1997-1999. 1983-1995.

  3. AIA Alta Wellness Haven – With wellness services exclusively dedicated to the AIA Club Alta members, it is Hong Kong insurance's first* integrated and one-stop wellness realm where science blends seamlessly with Eastern and Western philosophies. Learn more >

  4. 2020年6月24日 · 72% of respondents believe insurance plays a significant role in creating and preserving wealth. AIA together with EY today launched a new report providing new insights into High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs) in the context of their views and adoption of insurance solutions.

  5. The Robotic Investment Choice Service gives customers of selected Investment Linked Assurance Schemes (ILAS) greater control and ease in building quality investment portfolios under their insurance policies. The service provides personalised 1 reference portfolios for customers based on their needs.

  6. 活動受條款及細則約束。推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼: 1 「球季開鑼大抽獎」 得獎名單 以下為獎品編號 的得獎者(名額︰共 名) 獎品編號 獎品名稱 數量 得獎者的 帳戶 熱刺限定版 白色大碼 非賣品 件 熱刺限定版 白色中碼 非賣品 件

  7. We tailor comprehensive and effective solutions including employee benefits and pension products, helping you satisfy a wide range of protection needs of your employees.

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