雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 不論任何原因,如客戶提早清還全部款項,以下款項需立即全數繳付: (a) 未償還 之總借貸 金額及 (b) 提早償還費用即未償還之總借貸金額4%。. 例子:假設借貸金額為HK$100,000,每月平息為 0.49%,分 12 期還款,每月還款額為HK$8,823.33。. 如客戶於第 6 期供款後選擇 ...

  2. www1.citibank.com.hk › chinese › credit-cards商戶分期計劃

    按此申請. 信用卡分期與一般零售消費類似,將於每月向 Citi 信用卡賬戶收取分期付款。. 如在付款限期或之前,您支付/ 已支付的金額低於當前月結單或之前月結單上所示的月結單總結欠,則需支付一般的財務費用。. 詳情請瀏覽Citibank.hk/mip. 商戶分期計劃之條款 ...

  3. Reminder. Live Smart is currently only available in Chinese. Would you like to continue? I'm interested.

  4. 如因任何原因(包括但不限於優惠名額額滿、戲院因進行裝修、突發事故或不可抗力事件而暫停營業或租約期滿),而令客戶未能享用優惠,花旗銀行及商戶概不負責。

  5. With Citibank Personal Online banking, enjoy a seamless and hassle-free digital banking experience right at your fingertips. Manage your finances whenever and wherever you are.

  6. Level up your financial knowledge and invest with confidence. Learn wealth management concepts in minutes with bite-size lessons from experts. Strengthen your knowledge with quick quizzes. Complete challenges and gain confidence as you level up to Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond.

  7. www1.citibank.com.hk › chinese › credit-cardswww1.citibank.com.hk
