雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年8月13日 · 優點眾多. 減低成本. 毋須處理大量現金或支票,節省人力及時間。 員工薪金資料可儲存於本服務提供的人力資源資料庫節省電腦系統設計成本. 化繁為簡. 為每位員工印製個別糧單清楚方便可自動編製僱主填報之薪酬及退休金報稅表省卻人手及提供全面人事/財務管理報告方便查閱. 方便準確. 我們為您提供多項遞交支薪資料的方式,包括使用 Straight2Bank,電腦磁碟儲存及列表等,確保支薪程序快捷準確. 資料保密. 系統內置資料核對及保護功能,安全可靠及提供編配不同授權程度之保密系統,靈活周全. SCB.ChatBot.

  2. 即刻透過SC Mobile App 或網上理財開立渣打銀行出糧戶口並每月存入薪金可尊享豐富迎新優惠用渣打銀行出糧幫你人工賺到盡

  3. Conservative. * The expected annual returns are average expected returns over a multi-year period and there will be variety of risk in these returns.Actual returns may vary from these estimates. Wondering how much you will need for your child's university education? Use our education calculator to plan your budget and prepare the best for your ...

  4. 6 天前 · Let's get in touch. Complete the following data and we'll reach you very shortly. I am an existing Standard Chartered Bank customer. Agree all and complete. Make an appointment now. Have you done enough for your children's university education? Take 5 minutes to find out.

  5. Secured system with built-in data authentication and encryption for access control and Increased flexibility with multi-level authorization. When it comes to Payroll & Employee Services, Standard Chartered SME Banking is your trusted partner in managing your business more efficiently. We offer simple payroll and tax reporting tools and our time ...

  6. 2022年3月14日 · 1. 所有僱主必須遵守香港法例第282章)《僱員補償條例規定向保險公司正確填報僱員薪金/報酬及其他收入資料以確保僱員發生意外時能提供足夠責任保障2. 僱主須留意根據僱員補償保單中的賠償條款和保險費條款填報收入/薪金不足可導致僱主自行承擔事故索賠責任此外若僱主未能按照第282章)《僱員補償條例第401條投保即屬犯法一經定罪最高可被罰款港幣100,000元及監禁兩年3. 僱員職務描述:請標明職業類別,例如:文職人員,銷售/營銷人員,信差,貨車司機,焊工等. 4. 總收入[根據(第282章)《僱員補償條例》第3條清晰定義]:請申報保險期間的估計/實際總收入。 5.

  7. 每戶最高儲蓄額職員七十萬元工友三十五萬元超過部分以活期儲蓄存款利率計息。 存取方式 每月發薪時由各機關學校會計出納人員彙總來行辦理存儲不得自行存款但可憑存摺及取款憑條或金融卡隨時提現提取後不得再存入