雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年11月26日 · LuluAttack EX. LuluAttack EX, made by Daiichi Sankyo Healthcare, is designed to treat sore throat, fever, runny nose, coughing and congestion. As this is one of the most popular cold and flu treatments, it's available at almost all drugstores in Japan, and very easy to come by! 1. Esutakku Eve Fine.

  2. 2017年10月16日 · For the vitamin crowd, and those looking to achieve a little more digestive harmony, Ebios is the medicine for you. It contains a variety of vitamins that help strengthen the immune system, as well as brewer’s yeast, the beloved fungus used in the making of beer and bread. It’s also a probiotic, which means it contains micro-organisms that ...

  3. 根據腸胃不適的症狀加以區分,太田胃散的腸胃藥共有六條生產線。. 包含一般常見的胃散外,其他還有針對吃過多服用的「太田胃散A (錠劑)」、適應神經性胃炎的「太田漢方胃腸藥Ⅱ」、適應食道逆流或喝過多的「太田胃散 (內服液)」等等。. 用方式:飯後2~3 ...

  4. 日本購物第一站:男女老少超愛的藥妝店!. 惊奇日本 2016年10月5日 更新. 日本藥妝 假日購物. 藥妝店的存在以及重要性可能已經超越了世界遺產等旅遊景區!. 確實,日本的藥妝店太厲害了!. 日用品、化妝品、常備藥物應有盡有!. 近幾年來日本的遊客瘋狂增長 ...

  5. 2017年11月1日 · A short walk from Kanazawa Castle is the Nagamachi Samurai District (Nagamachi Buke Yashiki), a well-preserved area where the samurai of Kanazawa once lived. It's a wonderful place to soak up the atmosphere of feudal Japan and the samurai age with narrow, winding streets lined with traditional mud-tiled walls and old samurai houses.

  6. 2017年11月1日 · The garden was designed in a circuitous style, and can be walked in about an hour. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes that can get a little dirty. Hours: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. from October 16 to the end of February) Admission: ¥310 (adult) / ¥100 (child) Tel: 81+ (0)76-234-3800. Access: About 15 minutes by bus from Kanazawa ...

  7. 地址:靜岡縣靜岡市清水區草薙600-1. 交通:從日本平飯店,步行約10分鐘左右可至日本平夢展望露台. 官網: https://nihondaira-yume-terrace.jp/ 空中漫遊日本平索道纜車. https://pixta.jp/photo/38273404. 從日本平夢展望露台步行約4分鐘可至日本平索道纜車站。 索道全場1,065公尺,連接著日本平山頂和久能山東照宮兩邊,搭乘有著德川家族三葉葵家徽的仿殿下和公主轎子的別緻纜車車廂,從空中俯瞰久能山鬼斧神工的岩壁,遠望駿河灣的湛藍海水,5分鐘的空中纜車漫遊,盡享山、海美麗景致。 從上而下的纜車,像是穿越空間與時間,進入了久能山東照宮的歷史中。 日本平索道纜車(日本平ロープウェイ) 地址:靜岡縣靜岡市清水區草薙597-8.