雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Tax Deduction. What sets a VHIS plan apart from other medical insurance products is its tax deduction eligibility. Taxpayers can buy VHIS plans for themselves and their family members. In addition to being entitled to medical reimbursements, they can also apply for a tax deduction of HKD 8,000 per life insured, per year.

  2. 免責聲明 此影片所載的資料僅供參考,並不構成對任何人士提供任何建議或以作出任何財務決定,也不應被視作為代替專業建議。任何人士不應在未尋求特定專業意見前,單靠此影片作出任何決定。 此影片所載的資料並不構成邀請作出購買或出售任何銀行或保險產品或服務。

  3. 保障地区 全球 VS 香港 遇有严重疾病,患者可能会考虑到海外就医,而计划移民或子女将会到外国留学,也要考虑保障所涵盖的地区。 某些自愿医保灵活计划,即使最低级别的计划,保障也涵盖至大中华,高级别更提供全球保障 2 ,让受保人选择地区接受治疗时提供更多选择。

  4. Building a dream retirement while saving on tax. Simon’s HSBC Income Goal Deferred Annuity Plan 2 and HSBC VHIS Flexi Plan 3 Simon are both qualifying tax-deductible insurance plans. That means, as a taxpayer, he could enjoy tax savings by applying for personal income tax deduction 9. QDAP.

  5. Hong Kong people’s financial fitness suffered a slight reversal in 2022 due to the challenge of maintaining healthy money habits in the less-than-hospitable economic environment brought on by the pandemic. Even though the Hang Seng Index dropped 15.5% in 2022 1, not everyone lost ground financially. In fact, some of them managed to buck the ...

  6. What are the differences, and how do you choose between them to suit your budget and save interest? What are the key points to consider in a changing economic environment? In Hong Kong, the two major types of mortgage plans are floating rate and fixed rate, with two different floating-rate mortgage plans, namely HIBOR-based and prime-based ...

  7. ILAS plans vs. funds. #ILAS #WealthGrowth #ProtectionPlanning #DeathBenefit #Investment #Funds. Both can be good investments but there are significant differences in both quality and quantity. For the last ILAS lecture, we show you how to evaluate plans and find the right one for yourself.