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  1. Armstrong Economics offers unique perspective intended to educate the general public and organizations on the underlying trends within the global economic and political environment. Our mission is to research historical cyclical patterns and market behavior in timing, price and crisis to better understand and identify potential future trends ...

  2. Our services providing computer generated analysis is the most extensive in the world. We cover every market from Asia, Middle East, Russia, Europe, North and South America to the Pacific From Japan down to Australia and New Zealand. The Primary Advantage we offer is a consistent analysis not subject to human emotional opinions in addition to ...

  3. It has been through the Business Cycle that all advancement and thus economic evolution emerges. Joseph Schumpeter (1883–1950) called these Business Cycle events – Waves of Creative Destruction. Unless oil rises in price to excessively high price levels, alternative fuels will never be developed. There must be a viable economic foundation ...

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  4. Understanding this dynamic nonlinear global network is the first step in restructuring government and our idea of managing our political-social-economy. The primary mistake many make with the Economic Confidence Model (ECM) is assuming it should be a perfect model for the stock market, gold, or some other market.

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  5. 1519-1579. Sir Thomas Gresham was an English merchant and financier who became the financial Adviser to Queen Elizabeth I (b 1533; 1558–1603) of England. Gresham first articulated this in 1558 for what he is best remembered for Gresham’s Law, which was the statement that “Bad money drives out good.”. Henry VIII (b 1491; 1509-1547 ...

  6. Breaking news from around the world. Search for your country of interest by region. Syrians in Lebanon May 23, 2024 The Syrian refugee crisis has been plaguing the global community for over a decade. While former Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the doors to

  7. About. Martin Armstrong was born in New Jersey the son of a lawyer and Lt. Col under General Patton in World War II. Martin was encouraged by his father to get involved in computers during the mid-1960s. He completed engineering both in hardware and software but after being offered positions by a government contractor RCA in Thule Greenland ...