雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 用簡單、清楚和肯定的說話及親切和關懷的語氣,配合臉部表情、手勢和動作(如點頭、微笑),安慰他及平伏他的情緒,並告訴他你會幫他找尋家人,叫他不要亂走。 嘗試給走失人士紙和筆,看看他是否能夠寫出自己的名字和地址;亦可以讓他嘗試打電話,看他是否能夠聯絡家人。 透過簡單觀察,看看走失人士身上有沒有配戴可以證明其身分的物件,如手鍊、頸鍊、名牌或匙扣等。 切勿在未得到他的同意下強行搜查其腰包或背包。 如果他情緒不穩或過度驚慌,切勿強行接觸他的身體。 如果發覺不能和他溝通,請不要放棄及離開,應尋求其他在場人士幫忙,並盡快通知警方。

  2. Missing Mentally Handicapped Persons Incidents I. Prevention measures on missing mentally handicapped persons 1. For parents: a. Do not confine your mentally handicapped children at home just for fear that they may get lost. You should help them to They ...

  3. Residential respite service is a form of temporary or short-term residential care service for the elderly person. It serves the objective of providing temporary relief for family members or relatives who are the main caregivers of the elderly requiring a certain degree of personal care whilst residing in the community.

  4. 1. 家長方面: 切勿因害怕弱智子女走失而不敢帶他們上街。反之,應多讓他們熟習居所附近的社區環境及往返居所的途徑,並訓練他們在走失時可以向途人或警方求助。對有語言能力的弱智人士,可訓練他們與別人交談,以便提升他們與陌生人溝通及回答問題的能力。

  5. www.swd.gov.hk › oala › index長者生活津貼

    個案覆檢 為何社署須定期覆檢長者生活津貼個案? 長者生活津貼是一項無須供款的社會保障計劃,經費全部來自政府一般收入,目的是補助本港65歲或以上有經濟需要的長者的生活開支。申請人須符合既定的申請資格,包括入息及資產規定,方可獲發津貼。

  6. www.swd.gov.hk › storage › assetMSS Leaflet E

    • Assist you in managing emotional and daily life problems arising from illness, trauma and disabilities through counselling ; • Provide you with services contributing to your holistic rehabilitation and reintegration into the community ; • Help you formulate ...

  7. Each application should be accompanied by 2 written reports prepared by registered medical practitioners and at least one of them should be approved under the Mental Health Ordinance. The detailed procedures, criteria of making a Guardianship Order, list of approved doctors and applications forms etc. have already been uploaded onto the website ...