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    • Lots of replayability

      • Path of Exile 's endgame has lots of replayability. The only things that usually stop fans from playing are growing tired of doing the same content, or acquiring so much currency and gear that the game becomes too easy.
  1. 其他人也問了

  2. When Poe2 goes into beta and releases there will be three different types of players that have played Poe1. POE1 purists. They don't like the changes for POE2, and while they may play the story and learn about POE2, they'll pretty much just play POE1 since it will continue to be supported just as it is. POE2 players.

  3. 2012年11月7日 · Path of Exile is an ARPG, thus it is meant to be highly replayable. Act 1 through 2, on normal difficulty, takes less than 2 hours for a seasoned player to complete. Act 1 through 2, on merciless difficulty, takes much longer than that.

  4. Playing casually is fine. Just play the game. You don't need to compare yourself to everyone else as long as you're having fun. Some people literally just farm blood aqueducts or t1 maps for fun. You will eventually learn what is good and what isn't and your characters will progressively get better.

  5. The replayability of PoE comes from the number of different Skills you can use to make a build and even if you use the same Skill as someone else your passive tree could look completely different and it could still work.

  6. 2017年1月1日 · The replayability of poe is forged by your own perspective of the game. If you enjoyed diablo and diablo 2, then you'd likely enjoy Path of Exile more than diablo 3. That being said, your first few characters are likely going to suck ass and you really aren't going to

  7. 2022年9月9日 · Path Of Exile (2013) A game that many people see as a great free alternative to the Diablo franchise, Path of Exile is a dark fantasy action RPG that emphasizes possibility. From the 7 character classes and different weapons to the procedurally generated areas and random items, so much can change from one playthrough to another.

  8. 流亡黯道中的技能 是一種物品 - 鑲嵌在物品插槽中的技能寶石將給予流亡者使用此技能的能力。 數量龐大的輔助寶石能將這些技能更進一步的強化。 你可以將你的火球術強化成會在敵人之間彈跳,或是一次施放出多顆散射的火球。 一項技能同時被最多五個輔助技能所強化。 由於寶石的等級與經驗是獨立的且某些寶石較難取得,在交易市場上它們可是很有價值的。 將滑鼠移至上面的物品。 天賦樹. 流亡黯道中龐大的天賦樹是不分職業,互相連接的。 也就是說,除了選擇職業的天賦,你還可以點到其他職業的天賦。 根據流亡者所選擇的職業,天賦樹的起點位置也大不相同。 流亡者可選擇離職業起點較近的天賦,也可選擇其他職業區塊的天賦,來組合出屬於自己風格的強力天賦。 在天賦樹中,有數個「核心天賦」散佈在各個角落。