雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 位於澀谷正中央的購物站與交通的中心地帶. 澀谷Mark City是由購物中心、酒店和寫字間等組成的直通澀谷站的綜合性設施。. 這裡與JR、東京Metro、東急、京王等主要鐵路網相連,交通便利。. 停車場及高速巴士站也很完善。. 還有各式雜貨店以及餐廳,東急澀谷 ...

  2. 2023年9月27日 · Tokyo International Cruise Terminal opened on September 10, 2020, to provide access to Tokyo to the world’s largest cruise ships. The cruise terminal is in the Odaiba area and within reach of major transportation hubs, including Shinkansen stations and two international airports.

  3. 充滿設計藝術性的澀谷高級百貨公司. 由德國音樂與影像藝術家卡斯騰·尼可萊設計的西武澀谷店入口大門可謂當代藝術品。. 而由永山祐子女士設計的內部裝潢則彷彿宮殿。. 店內引進了三宅一生、Vivienne Westwood、Marc Jacobs等時尚界具代表性的設計師品牌。. 8樓有 ...

    • Cherry Blossom Festivals
    • Tokyo Marathon
    • Flower Festivals on Tokyo's Islands
    • Hina Matsuri
    • Flower Festival in Tokyo
    • Jindaiji Temple Daruma Doll Fair
    • Mt. Takao Fire-Walking Festival
    • Kinryu-No-Mai

    In late March, Tokyo marks the arrival of the cherry blossoms with countless events and celebrations. Visit the Ueno Sakura Matsuri (Cherry Blossom Festival) at Ueno Park to see a promenade of trees that inspired a haiku by the 17th-century poet Matsuo Basho. At Sumida Park Cherry Blossom Festival you can walk along the riverbank, viewing blossoms ...

    The Tokyo Marathon, one of the city's biggest sporting events, takes place in early March each year. Its participants include both the general public, and elite runners. They start at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, then weave their way past sightseeing spots and through famous shopping districts, including Asakusa and Ginza. ©TOKYO MAR...

    Tokyo's islands celebrate their stunning flora at annual festivals. At the Freesia Festival on Hachijojima Island, you can enjoy an outdoor tea ceremony while gazing out at the colorful blossoms, and grab some local sweets at the Freesia Cafe. And at the Tsubaki (Camellia) Festival on the island of Izu Oshima, you can try dyeing with camellia petal...

    Hina Matsuri takes place on March 3. Elegant dolls displayed on tiered platforms embody a prayer for girls' health and happiness. You can see a spectacular display at Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo. At the Komorebi Village in Showa Kinen Park, which is made to resemble an old rural village, there is a Hina Matsuri display in a traditional house.

    Cherry blossoms are by no means the only floral highlights in March. Showa Kinen Park's annual Flower Festival starts in late March, then goes on to showcase all the flowers of spring, including tulips and nemophila in April, and poppies in May. Highlights include exhibitions, workshops, and guided tours. Tours which show off the park's best spots,...

    Daruma are rounded, traditional Japanese dolls that are used to make wishes. One of Japan's three biggest markets for them is the Jindaiji Temple Daruma Doll Fair(Jindaiji Daruma-ichi), held on March 3 and 4. Around 300 stalls sell daruma in many different sizes and designs. Buy a doll, and you can even have a priest inscribe an eye in Sanskrit.

    Takao-san Yakuo-in, a Buddhist temple halfway up Mt. Takao, hosts an annual fire-walking festivalon the second Sunday of March to pray for health and safety. During the festival, monks walk barefoot over embers of burning wood; a traditional ascetic custom. Afterwards, when the embers have died away, you can join in and even try walking on them you...

    The Golden Dragon Dance, held annually on March 18, was established in 1958 to celebrate the reconstruction of the main hall at Asakusa's Sensoji Temple. It features an 18-meter-long, 88-kilogram golden dragon, dancing to festive music.

  4. 2022年10月19日 · Area Guide. A guide to Tokyo Tower area and what to do in the vicinity. Updated: October 19, 2022. A symbol of post war recovery in the center of the city. Built in 1958, and standing 333 meters tall, Tokyo Tower serves as a symbol of Tokyo’s rebirth after World War II.

  5. 2022年6月20日 · Updated: June 20, 2022. Explore By Interest. What to Buy. Shopping Streets & Arcades. Malls & Department Stores. Tax-Free Shopping. A guide to Tokyo's shopping districts. Shopping is a pleasure with no language barrier. Discover the different specialties of the citys unique shopping districts.

  6. 位于霓虹灯与夜生活的三大据点“涩谷、新宿、六本木”三角形内侧的青山与表参道区域,比以上三个地区,更多了几分优雅。这里有上流阶层人士经常出入的高级时装店和雅致的餐厅。树影婆娑的“表参道”可谓是东京的香榭丽舍大道,主要奢饰品牌的旗舰店一间接着一间。