雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年4月8日 · Shirasu (Japanese anchovy) is a specialty of Kamakura as the city is located just next to the ocean, making it one of the best areas for fresh seafood. The takoyakis are crispy outside and super fluffy inside, perfect street food to eat while you walk!

  2. 2018年5月29日 · Hida soba is a local noodle dish made using traditional tools and fresh ingredients from the mountains. Hida Takayama’s remote location among the peaks of central Japan—with its cold temperatures and pure mountain water—means they produce top quality buckwheat noodles, also known as soba.

  3. 2015年12月28日 · The Complete Guide to Osechi Ryori. SoraNews24 Updated December 28, 2017. Japanese Food New Year's Holidays Autumn Cuisine. en.rocketnews24.com. Osechi ryori is arguably the most important meal of the year, each dish serving as a symbol or wish for the coming year.

  4. 2018年6月18日 · SoraNews24 Updated June 18, 2018. Wagyu Japanese Food Bento Beyond Sushi: Best Eats & Treats in Japan Tottori Chugoku. gochikuru.com. When most people think of Japan’s bento, the first things that come to mind are the affordably priced boxed lunches sold at convenience stores, or a bento painstakingly made by hand.

  5. 2017年9月22日 · 12 of the Best Dishes in Shikoku! Trip101 Updated September 22, 2017. Restaurants Izakaya Ramen Japanese Food Soba Ehime Kagawa Kochi Tokushima Shikoku Undiscovered Japan. trip101.com. So you're visiting Shikoku and your tummy starts to rumble, and you wonder, what kinds of delicacies does this magnificent Japanese island offer?

  6. 6款超人氣日本護手霜推薦 | All About Japan. 在地故事. 美容 & 時尚. 購物 美麗 便宜 日本藥妝 伴手禮. 冬季讓很多美眉最頭疼的,莫過於皮膚乾燥粗糙了吧! 大多數美眉會把護膚精力集中在臉部護理上,卻往往忽略對手部的護理。 手不僅是女人的第二張臉,更能反映出你的生活細節。 因此對於各位女性來說,比起花錢做美甲等表面上的功夫,手部皮膚的保養或許更為重要。 下面就要為大家推薦幾款在日本的藥妝店,一年四季都熱賣的超人氣日本護手霜,CP值更是高到不傷荷包,卻依舊能完美護手,安然過冬呢! 花王atrix 植物性物膠原蛋白高浸透護手霜 (無香味) http://www.kao.co.jp/atrix/lineup/beautycharge/

  7. 2022年6月21日 · 日本购物:护肤——从开架到专柜,7款洁面产品测评&解密!. 邀请到资深日系护肤品牌体验官sweetkiki带来日本药妆护肤产品系列揭秘文!. 绝对不容错过!. 大家好我是Sweetkiki,在日本生活多年,很开心能在All About Japan这个平台介绍护肤产品使用心得。. 相信不 ...

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