雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. What is a LED signboard? 相關

  2. 專門供應大型LED顯示屏、幕牆燈、創意燈具及多媒體廣播系統, 品質保證。 多年生產LED顯示屏經驗, 專業提供各類大型LED顯示屏、幕牆燈及創意燈具等

  3. Gaming Equipment, Parts and Services your one stop gaming shop. Custom built LED Displays and Signs, Installation and Repair services.


  1. 何謂LED招牌. 凡是用了LED作為光源的設備或裝置, 用以傳遞廣告訊息, 或吸引注意以達到宣傳或推廣某一機構的名稱, 標誌或商標, 均可統稱為 「LED招牌」。 2010年建造的LED招牌於2018年10月依然燦爛. 美亞建造的LED招牌,8年來依然燦爛. 美亞招牌可能是香港最早製作「LED招牌」的公司。 由最早期的LED燈珠平面字招牌,到現在最流行的LED樹脂字招牌,我們都發揮專業精神,做到盡善盡美。 最近遇到8年前幫襯我們做LED招牌的「甜姨姨私房甜品」老板娘,閒談之餘,她不停稱讚我們替她做的LED招牌做得好,這麼多年還依然燦爛,每天吸引著路人注目,不斷地帶給她更多的顧客。 LED招牌測試進行中. LED招牌包裝付運. LED招牌製作完成. LED招牌製作實例.

  2. LED產品 LED Signage | 藝能招牌 | Signworld Production Ltd 寫字樓招牌. 今天LED在我們的生活中,應用範圍越來越廣泛,由室外路燈、地燈、草坪燈、舞台燈、家用燈……甚至可以應用到招牌上,只能說,LED無處不在。 作為製作招牌的重要角色,LED同樣受到不少客戶的「熱捧」,當中的好處,不外乎 : 耗電量小、耐用、光亮、防水、保護環境等; 作為愛護地球又追求新鮮事物的您, 請即登入了解更多。 與我們聯絡. 稱呼 * E-Mail * 電話 * 訊息 *

  3. LED SIGN BOARD’S POWER CONSUMPTION COUNTING METHOD (LED廣告板用電量計算方法) A. Unit of Electricity(KWH). “1KWH” means 1,000 (Watt) power consumed by an electronic product in 1 hour. B. Electricity Fee in Hong Kong= HKD$0.97 / KWH. C. LeTiny LED sign board mainly use 10mm LED, it’s working current is 20mA / EACH.

  4. 2023年12月6日 · LED Sign boards, as the name suggests, are electronic displays comprised of an array of these tiny LEDs. These boards are designed to showcase content, information, or visuals through the emission of light, making them highly effective for a wide range of purposes. The Significance of LED Sign Boards.

  5. LED sign boards are a cutting-edge wonder of the digital signage world. They use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to showcase captivating text, images, and videos. These LEDs are tiny semiconductors emitting brilliant light when electricity flows through them. LED sign boards are gaining popularity, and it’s not hard to see why.

  6. signboard is regarded as a new building under paragraph 4 above, a site supervision plan is generally not required for its erection. However, the authorized person (AP), registered structural engineer (RSE), and RGBC as appropriate should ensure that works. ...

  7. 2023年1月30日 · LED Signage vs. LED Screens: What and Why to Choose. Posted on. January 30, 2023. The light-emitting diodes (LEDs) of an LED display serve as the video display's pixels, making it a flat-panel collection. They are bright enough to be utilized as retail signs and billboards in bright outside environments.