雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. This vision became a reality with the construction of the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, one of the largest mosques in the world and a prominent landmark in the Emirates of Abu Dhabi. The first considerations to build the Mosque began in the late 1980s, and construction began on November 5th, 1996, and it opened for worship on Eid Al Adha 2007.

  2. The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque (Arabic: ج ام ع ٱلش ي خ ز اي د ٱل ك ب ي ر Jāmiʿ Aš-Šaykh Zāyid Al-Kabīr) is located in Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates. It is the country's largest mosque, and is the key place of worship for .

  3. 谢赫扎耶德大清真寺是全球最大的清真寺之一,这座宏伟建筑的设计和建造由来自世界各地的能工巧匠合力完成,该寺的建设构想是众生都能在此找到心灵的启迪。

  4. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is an architectural icon, capturing unique interactions between Islam and other world cultures.

  5. 謝赫扎耶德大清真寺 (阿拉伯语: جامع الشيخ زايد الكبير ‎)是 阿拉伯聯合大公國 首都 阿布達比 的一座 清真寺 ,以該國首任總統 扎耶德·本·苏尔坦·阿勒纳哈扬 命名(他死後也葬在寺旁)。 清真寺有八十二個圓頂、四座高107公尺的 宣禮塔 。 可容納四萬人 聚禮 ,其中大廳可容納七千人,兩個小廳(其中一座是女寺)可以容納一千五百人。 設計. 謝赫扎耶德大清真寺的設計和建設可謂團結世界聯合之作,它運用來自印度、意大利、德國、埃及、土耳其、摩洛哥、巴基斯坦、馬來西亞、伊朗、中國、英國、紐西蘭、馬其頓和阿拉伯聯合酋長國等國家的藝術工匠和建築材料。 超過三千名工人和三十八家知名承包公司參與了此清真寺的建設工作。

  6. 2024年3月28日 · 位於阿布達比的「謝赫扎耶德大清真寺(Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque)」是全世界第三大的清真寺,也是阿布達比最有名的景點,光看照片就讓人超想走一遭,感受所謂奢華無極限,這次飄兒是住在杜拜的亞特蘭提斯飯店,所以安排了阿布達比一日遊來回,雖說

  7. The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is one the worlds largest mosques and a massive architectural work of art that intentionally blends different Islamic architectural schools. It features 82 domes, more than 1,000 columns, 24-carat-gold gilded chandeliers and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet.

  8. Promote Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, preserve its religious, scientific, and cultural status, and twin between it and between mosques, major cultural institutions, and the Islamic world.

  9. 2024年4月30日 · Looking to visit Abu Dhabi’s famous mosque?! Here’s my guide to visiting Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in 2024 with lots of tips on visiting hours, how to dress, the best time to visit and how to get there from Dubai & Abu Dhabi!

  10. Rising majestically from manicured gardens and visible from the bridges joining Abu Dhabi Island to the mainland, the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is an impressive welcome to the city. With more than 80 marble domes on a roof-line held aloft by 1000 pillars and punctuated by four 107m-high minarets, it's a masterpiece of modern Islamic ...