雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 会计(英語: Accounting or Accountancy )是经济实体資訊的處理過程,包括对企业及法人團體的财务及非财务資訊之计量、处理與交流。 [1] [2] 会计被称为“商业语言”,[3] 通常衡量一个组织的经济活动结果,并将这些信息传达给各种利益相关者,包括投資人、债权人、管理层及监管者。

  2. Programme Details. The entire programme consists of 18 modules or 360 credits. Students are required to take 180 credits' worth of modules each year and may normally complete the entire programme in three years of full time study in the UK, but in Hong Kong, only the Second Year and Final Year modules will be offered.

  3. 2 天前 · Accounting 會計 是追蹤、分類和匯總財務資料的地方。. 可以幫助公司保留準確的記錄並了解其財務狀況。. 學習領域包括複式記帳 (double-entry bookkeeping) 和權責發生製會計 (Accrual accounting)。. Finance 金融 重點關注組織的貨幣資金。. 它更具策略性,學生可以在其中 ...

  4. Offering Hong Kong’s first degreed programme in accountancy since 1970, the School of Accountancy at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has led the way in the region’s accounting education for almost fifty years.

  5. 2 天前 · In short, accrual accounting is a full and fair accounting method that shows the reality of the business. It captures all the transaction complexities by recognising revenue and expenses incurred and earned. It has some difficulties—more complexity and cost—but the benefits of better reporting and cash flow are huge.

  6. 會計及金融. 會計學. 會計課程在香港一直有殷切需求。 我們提供一系列由證書至學士學位程度的會計課程。 這些課程作為學生升讀學士、深造學位和專業資格的途徑提供了一個升學階梯。 我們與國際知名學府、本地和國際專業會計團體緊密合作。 課程均由經驗豐富的本地和海外學者組成團隊授課,並利用真實案例,以互動教學形式在課堂上與學生分享。 我們提供完善的教學材料及彈性的上課時間,務求滿足兼讀學生所需,創造不一樣的教學環境及學習體驗。 分享. 活動預告. Articulation pathway to a Professional Accountant + Master from LondonU. 會計專業考試備試課程. 點樣先可以喺ACCA考試一take pass?

  7. The Master of Accounting Programme at the HKU Business School combines a rigorous academic core with tailored practical skills and knowledge. It is accredited by Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Australia, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and Hong Kong Institute of ...

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