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  2. 了解最新產品資訊,多款最新運動裝備及熱賣款式現正有售。 各款產品全方位配合你的所需,讓你全力訓練。


  1. 無論是來跑步,還是為跑手加油,氣氛都十分激昂。 交通方式 乘搭火車或地下鐵到比賽路線附近的車站,即可輕鬆參與馬拉松賽事

    • Tokyo-to
    • When to Run
    • Safety Tips
    • Drinks and Bathroom Stops
    • After Your Run
    • Showers and Sentos and What to Do with Your Belongings
    • Adidas Runbase
    • Ji Jingu Gaien – 1.5 Km Course
    • Ogi Park –Large Loop 2.6Km, Short Loop: 1.3km
    • Azawa Olympic Park – 2.1 Km Course with A Bike Lane
    • Uri Park – 4.5 Km Loop

    In July and August, it already feels hot by 8 am. If you’re not used to running in the heat and humidity, it’s best to run early in the morning or evening. Because of the humidity, it’s fairly warm at night. At other times of the year, when to run depends on avoiding crowded times.

    Smaller streets don’t have sidewalks and are not always brightly lit at night. If you run at night, wear something bright or reflective to help drivers see you. There are many blind intersections, make sure to check for traffic. Most electric cars in Japan don’t make a lot of road noise and are hard to hear, especially if you are listening to music...

    If you’re running in Tokyo, a cool drink is always nearby. There are many convenience stores, grocery stores, and coffee shops. Vending machines are common sights on the street. If you need to use the toilet, it’s possible to stop at a convenience store, grocery store or coffee shop. It’s courteous to buy something if you use a facility. The majori...

    Because of summer humidity, some joggers carry a small towel with them or plan to end their route at home or near a shower. You probably won’t get on a train dripping with sweat as trains can be very, very crowded. You have a couple of options. You can put your belongings (including a towel) in a train locker. Find a running station to keep your be...

    Running stations are a recent trend in Tokyo. They are locker rooms with shower facilities designed for runners or cyclists. Sign in, put your stuff in a locker, run and shower after! Sentos are public bath houses. You can read about Japanese bath culture at here. It’s uncommon for a sento to store your belongings while you run. Most large train an...

    If you forgot running clothes, no problem. You can rent them for a small fee. Runbase also has running maps in English that you can download. Shower and locker rental: JPY 800. Towel rental: JPY 200 Weekdays: 7 am-10:30 pm (last entry 9:30 pm). Weekends: 7 am-8 pm (last entry: 7pm) Nearest Stations: Nagatacho: Hanzomon line, Nanboku Line (exit 4, 1...

    Near the Olympic Stadium, this course around Meiji Jingu Gaien is popular with local runners. It’s flat, with no stoplights and no need to worry about traffic. This area has many sports facilities and has been an area for leisure since the Meiji era. Because of the trees, it is slightly cooler in summer. The fence is a common meeting place for peop...

    Yoyogi Park has 2 loops inside the park. It’s a popular park and quite crowded on weekends. Meiji Jingu Shrine is the closest park to Harajuku station. Do not run in the shrine area. Yoyogi park is just past the entrance to Meiji Jingu. It’s possible to run along the sidewalk encircling the park, but there is not much shade and it gets hot. Nearest...

    This park was one of the 1964 Tokyo Olympic venues. The asphalt route has designated bicycle and pedestrian lanes. The 10 minute walk from Komazawa Daigaku station makes for a nice warm up and cool down. Use the Komazawa Park exit. Turn left when you get to street level onto Komazawa street. Turn left at the next lights. Mr. Farmer cafe near the pa...

    This loop on Toyosu island goes around the new Tokyo Fish market. The market is closed on Sundays and many of the sushi shops in the area close in the early afternoon. The Olympic Athlete’s village is on the neighbouring island. The southern part of the route looks over Tokyo Bay and Rainbow Bridge. At sunset people line the railing to fish. The vi...

  2. 無論是為了跑步而來,或是要為跑者加油的人,現場氣氛都十分激昂。 交通方式 搭乘電車或地鐵至比賽場地附近的車站,即可輕鬆參與馬拉松賽事

    • adidas跑步鞋1
    • adidas跑步鞋2
    • adidas跑步鞋3
    • adidas跑步鞋4
    • adidas跑步鞋5
  3. 原宿作為東京的街頭時尚中心,怎能沒有波? 無論想找什麼風格、價位和尺寸的運動鞋,原宿一定不會讓你空手而回。 你的目標可能隱藏在竹下通街尾或對街的運動鞋區,等著你帶回家。

    • Shibuya-ku, Tokyo-to
  4. 別錯過. 穿上您的跑鞋,一起共襄盛舉. 參觀紀念 1909 年神戶舉辦日本第一場馬拉松的石碑. 知識補給站. 在迄今舉辦過的 9 場馬拉松中,共產生了 18 位冠軍(男性及女性均列入計算) 綠色、天藍色和紅色的三種主題顏色象徵了山、海和太陽. 交通方式. 馬拉松的起點位於神戶市役所,從三宮.花時計前站步行前往約兩分鐘。 別具意義的路跑. 神戶馬拉松開放所有人參加,且以感恩與友誼為核心理念,同時也是要對曾在 1995 年阪神大地震中協助神戶的所有人,特別表達感謝之情。 這個路跑將災難轉化為正面能量,並特別獻給日本國內外的受難者,同時讓參加路跑的民眾有機會欣賞這座強韌城市的美。

  5. 別錯過. 若您想參加路跑,請提前規劃:必須在前一年的夏季左右就送出報名表. 三個項目:全程馬拉松、趣味路跑與 30 公里路跑行程. 參觀熊本城. 交通方式. 熊本城馬拉松的起跑點位於 熊本市 的 熊本城 附近。 可以搭乘大眾運輸工具,或是步行前往。 從熊本站搭乘電車或其他交通工具到熊本城,車程約為 15 分鐘。 您也可以直接走到熊本城,耗時約 30 - 45 分鐘。 在路跑期間,道路會封閉,熊本市裡的交通也會改道。 請查看熊本城馬拉松的官網,瞭解詳細路線。 熊本城馬拉松既是比賽,也是趣味路跑. 參加全程馬拉松的跑者必須年滿 18 歲,而且必須在七小時內完賽。 另外還有開放最多 150 名跑者參加的 30 公里路跑行程,以及最多 1,500 名跑者的 4 公里趣味路跑。

  6. 日本坐擁眾多山巒,一座國家公園往往即囊括了各種山形,無論健行者的登山經驗是否豐富,都能找到適合的登山選擇。. 以中部山岳國家公園為例,其園區涵蓋了雄偉的北阿爾卑斯,若是初學者或帶孩子的家庭,全程幾乎只需要搭乘巴士,便能抵達 3,026 公尺高 ...

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