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    • 1. 巴爾的摩港市(美國馬里蘭州)

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  2. Oxfam Trailwalker is one of the largest fundraising sporting events in Hong Kong. Since 1986, more than 100,000 participants have raised over HK$600 million to support Oxfam’s various poverty alleviation and emergency relief projects in Africa and Asia, including Hong Kong and mainland China. However, there are still around one billion people ...

  3. 2024年1月16日 · Oxfam Trailwalker is one of the largest fundraising sports events in Hong Kong. Since 1986, more than 100,000 participants have raised over HK$600 million to support Oxfam’s various poverty alleviation and emergency relief projects in Africa and Asia, including Hong Kong and mainland China. However, there are still millions of people living ...

  4. ABOUT OXFAM Oxfam is an international confederation of 21 independent organisations, with an aim to work together for greater impact on the international stage to reduce poverty and injustice. The name ’Oxfam’ is derived from the Oxford Committee for Famine

  5. 這的確是個好主意,但為避免對公眾造成太大不便,維持現有的安排會較為合適。事實上,出發地點西貢北潭涌是郊遊熱點,若「樂施毅行者」改於星期六起步,而又要動員警方在四個起步時間封路,定會造成更嚴重的塞車及泊車問題。

  6. Oxfam Trailwalker | Oxfam Hong Kong

  7. Such content includes anything that may be considered or related to violence, hate speech, terrorist content, harassment, bullying, threats, politics, copyright infringement, sexually explicit content and obscenity. Trailwalkers and their supporters agree that Oxfam Hong Kong (OHK) has absolute discretion to remove, including but not limited to ...

  8. 免責聲明(參加者須於起點遞交聲明正本) 參加者聲明及保證 本人現組隊參加「樂施毅行者2020」,謹此聲明並作出保證: 本人確認是自願參加「樂施毅行者2020」和願意承擔自身的風險及責任。本人倘於參加「樂施毅行者2020」期間或其後,或者發生

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