雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 相關搜尋:


  1. Gift at Races. Goods of 'Gift at Races' are currently available at designated Off-Course Betting Branches! To shop, please go to these branches. Community Services. Community service is now available across all Off-Course Betting Branches. With this service, you can enjoy free mobile charging, umbrella lending (with deposit) and free WiFiaccess.

  2. Chief Executive Officer – Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges 行政總裁 應家柏 Board of Stewards 董事局 Executive Director, Betting – Henry S K Chan Cashbet, Betting Services and Systems, Business Development (Overseas), Business Development (Special

  3. 馬會在政府撥予港島南區偌大土地上,先後斥資3.9億港元興建及優化以教育為主題的香港海洋公園。 自1977年1月開幕以來,海洋公園已成為亞洲頂級旅遊景點之一,每年平均入場人次逾500萬。

  4. BOARD OF STEWARDS 董事局Mr Simon S O Ip CBE JP 錫安先生 Stewardship of success出 色 領 導 Mr David Eldon GBS CBE JP (Deputy Chairman, until 10/3/2008)陳祖澤先生(主席) 艾爾敦先生 (擔任副主席至10/3/2008) Mr John C C Chan GBS JP

  5. Sir Phineas Ryrie, the first chairman of the Hong Kong Jockey Club in 1884, was also chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce and a Legislative Councillor from 1867 until his death in 1892. He originally came from Stornoway in the remote, far north of Scotland. He was one of three brothers famed for their connection to the China trade.

  6. Chief Executive Officer’s Statement 行政總裁報告 refurbishment of our 30-year-old Sha Tin stabling and training facilities under way, upgrading them to world-class standards. Our strategic efforts to train local racing talent are also paying off, as

  7. 重要事項. 本會在處理客戶對特定投注戶口之查詢時,可能需提出不同問題以核實客戶身份。. 客戶在與本會職員聯絡時,禁止使用具恐嚇、猥褻、不雅、煽動叛亂、攻 擊、淫穢、誹謗、侮辱、歧視、威脅、醜化、激進和/或褻瀆成份、違反保密責任、違反私隱 ...

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