雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Important Information. Our Company has recently received reports from our customers concerning fraudulent impersonation of our staff or representatives, demanding repayment of loan. Please click here to know the details. How to Apply. Loan Application. Online Application. Visit Our Branches. Call the Loan Hotline. Online Application.

  2. 1.紙本申請. 第一步:到持續進修基金辦事處或各區民政諮詢中心索取表格,或可從辦事處網頁下載. 第二步:把已填妥並獲院校/培訓機構蓋印的申請表格正本,連同所需文件副本透過以下方式遞交: 郵寄或親臨持續進修基金辦事處遞交申請. 地址:新界荃灣青山公路388號中染大廈25樓07-11室. 或將表格放進於下列地點的收集箱或投遞箱: 長沙灣政府合署11樓學生資助處. 地址:九龍長沙灣道303號. 時間:星期一至五上午8時45分至下午1時/下午2時至5時45分(公眾假期除外) 長沙灣政府合署地下大堂. 地址:九龍長沙灣道303號. 時間:星期六、日及公眾假期全日開放. 持續進修基金辦事處門外. 地址:新界荃灣青山公路388號中染大廈25樓07-11室. 時間:星期一至日上午8時至晚上11時.

  3. Knowledge on Personal Loan. Guide for CEF Application | Popular CEF Courses | Claiming Deduction for Expenses of Self-Education. The subsidy ceiling of the Continuing Education Fund (CEF) has been increased to HK$25,000 per applicant, allowing us to apply eligible courses to improve ourselves and explore more possibilities.

  4. Our Tertiary Student Loan is specially designed for tertiary and university students in Hong Kong. You can easily take out loans at any time and deal with any financial problems in your college life. See Loan Offers Calculate Your Monthly Repayment.

  5. 網上貸款申請. 填寫申請. Step 1. 即時批核⦿. Step 2. 上載文件及. 網上簽約. Step 3. 瞬間過數^! Step 4. 網上簡易貸款申請程序. 星期六日想借錢應急? 邦民提供24 x7網上貸款服務,讓您隨時隨地快速辦妥申請手續。 申請、簽約至過數,貸款全程可於邦民網上借貸平台完成,即使深夜或星期六日都可以網上借錢,助您解決現金周轉問題。 需要貸款? 7天x24小時都無問題! 經邦民24 x7網上貸款平台提交申請,即時可於網上得知貸款批核結果 ⦿ ,上載文件並立刻簽妥貸款合約後,現金瞬間過數 ^ ,借錢全程無需現身 * ,真正實現24 x7網上貸款,星期一到星期日都幫到您! 立即申請. 親臨分行. 選擇地區. 香港島. 選擇分行. 灣仔分行. 電話申請.

  6. Online Enquiry. Promise’s branches are all over Hong Kong, including Causeway Bay, Mong Kok, Kwun Tong, etc. Find your local branch now. Call our hotline at 31991199 or apply online.

  7. PROMISE's loans are applicable for university students as well, helping them get through times of hardship. Mr. Leung 20 years old, University student I first heard about tertiary student loans from an alumnus. While he shared his journey and growth from

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