雅虎香港 搜尋


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  2. Trip.com 自由行旅遊攻略帶您探索 廣東 好去處、隱藏秘境、地道文化、特色活動,讓您感受不一樣的 廣東 魅力!.

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  4. 週末. $499. 詳細行程. 點擊報名. 點擊查看更多線路. 東莞 廣州 揭陽 惠州 梅州 珠海 江門 中山 清遠 雲浮 深圳 韶關 茂名 湛江 肇慶 汕尾 河源 陽江 佛山 潮汕.

  5. 2023年12月19日 · Guangdong in south China connects Hong Kong and Macau with mainland. With famous cities Guangzhou and Shenzhen, visitors to Guangdong can enjoy 144-hour visa free policy.

  6. Guangdong Province is a coastal province in southeast China. It holds the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong nestles in the center of its South China Sea coast. Guangdong Province has been important in Chinese history as a major international trading center with much foreign influence and presence. It is China's most populous province with and ...

  7. 廣東的吃喝玩樂: 擁有550,046則有關廣東的住宿、酒店、民宿與旅館、餐廳、美食、旅遊、景點、購物等的評價,Tripadvisor是你計畫旅行的最佳良伴。.

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