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  2. 尋找生育治療的優質診療服務?免費一對一咨詢服務將為您提供信息! 【香港 - 寶德醫務集團】提供多種生育治療服務!


  1. The Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Unit of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital was established as a joint project between the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Prince of Wales Hospital in 1984.

    • What Our Andrology Services Have to Offer
    • Who Will Need Our Andrology Services?
    • Why Us
    • Our Team
    Comprehensive semen analysis with strict morphology
    Sperm vitality analysis
    Trial preparation of sperm
    Sperm DNA fragmentation testing
    Semen analysis service for men
    Semen sample preparation service for men
    Semen cryopreservation and storage service for men

    Our Andrology Laboratory proudly features 1. State-of-art setting equipped with advanced equipment 2. The most innovative testing technologies 3. Testing procedures that are set up according to the latest guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) 4. Testing results that are determined according to the latest guidelines established by the Wo...

    Our Andrology team consists of highly skilled laboratory staff as well as scientists. Every member of our lab staff received special training in Andrology. Our research team is actively working on identifying the factors that have detrimental effects on male fertility, and are looking for factors that can improve sperm functions. 1. Professor CHAN ...

  2. 如果你對刺激卵巢藥物的反應正常,藥物注射通常會持續10-12天。但是如果對刺激卵巢藥物的反應不理想,則藥物注射可能會持續2至3週。因此,在治療開始之前無法預測取卵手術的日期。建議你在非繁忙的月份安排IVF治療。

  3. 輔助生育技術中心 是由沙田威爾斯親王醫院及 香港中文大學婦產科學系 於1984年攜手成立。. 本中心分別提供 私家症 及 公家症 服務,醫護團隊致力為病人制定個人化的不育治療方案,務求讓每對夫婦都能成功懷有下一代。. 我們亦為公眾提供其他不育的 專科 ...

  4. 如果夫妻在一年內未能自然懷孕,或者存在特定的生育障礙,如卵巢功能障礙或男性精子問題等,醫生可能會建議他們嘗試人工受孕(IVF)治療。. 多次嘗試其他治療方法無效:如果夫妻已經嘗試過其他不孕治療方法,如藥物治療、人工授精或輔助生殖技術(如 ...

  5. 收費詳情. 公家病人. 接受刺激卵巢及宮內授精 ( IUI ) 的病人無需繳付藥費及宮內授精手術費。. 接受試管嬰兒 ( IVF ) 的病人需繳付藥費 (HK$4,000) 及實驗室收費 。. (~HK$7,500-15,500 取決於凍存胚胎或囊胚的數量) 私家病人. 接受刺激卵巢及宮內授精 ( IUI ) 的病人需繳付 ...

  6. The In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Unit, also known as the Assisted Reproductive Technology Unit of The Chinese University of Hong Kong at the Prince of Wales Hospital, was established as a joint project between the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, CUHK and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the Prince of Wales Hospital, in 1984.

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