雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2018年10月16日 · This group of about 20 teenagers had been in the thick of it, fighting for their home and their honour, but had retreated to a viewpoint on a hill to assess the situation. When they saw the fire, they thought their castle – the last stronghold – had fallen. The enemy may have taken their home, they thought, but it could never take their honour.

  2. 位於市區的國際通大街及市郊的首里城,是沖繩曾繁極ㄧ時的外交重心,同時作為祈禱國家安寧的聖地備受百姓敬仰,無疑是琉球王國象徵性的存在。 首里城雖曾飽受戰亂侵害,但現在城內建築大部分已被復原,拜訪這座滿含歷史余韻的古城,追溯琉球王國的榮華史蹟,仿佛琉球王國波瀾壯闊的 ...

  3. 日本的啤酒種類繁多,很多啤酒在自己的廣告中都起用了人氣明星。有些明星英俊瀟灑,有些明星穩重老成;有的廣告磅礴大氣,有的廣告富含人生哲理。欣賞幾則製作精良的廣告,也是一大樂事哦。

  4. 2016年8月8日 · 1. Dark Water (Hideo Nakata, 2002) Summary: A single mother and her daughter move into a new apartment and soon begin glimpsing the ghostly figure of a little girl. Weird things also happen with the water supply. For those who’ve never seen a Japanese horror movie, this is my go-to recommendation.

  5. 2014年7月24日 · 要知道在電影業界,京都曾是日本的好萊塢,1920年代到1960年代之間,京都的電影產業十分繁榮。而東映太秦映畫村旨在通過復原江戶時代街景,讓人們有機會重新邂逅到往日的榮光,在影城內,你可以漫步在江戶風情濃郁的街道上,也可以好好享受各種娛樂表演。

  6. 2010年11月14日 · 意思就是,每天飲食均衡的話,就不會生病了。. 原文:医食同源. 平假名:いしょくどうげん. 羅馬字:i shoku dou gen. 對華語圈的朋友來講這些成語或諺語一定不陌生!. 不如把這幾句簡短的「四字熟語」念法學起來,讓你的日本朋友聽了嚇到下巴掉下來吧!.

  7. 2017年10月15日 · At the Japan Armored Battle League (JABL), you can finally find out! In this surprisingly moving video, JABL founder Jay Noyes explains how the JABL came to be, starting from his arrival in Japan as an English teacher and culminating with his founding of Castle Tintagel, a school of medieval European combat located near Mejiro Station in Tokyo.

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