雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. lpm_activesite20240601. Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Programme, 2017, Package K, Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Works. GE/2018/01. Kwan On Construction Co Ltd.

  2. 2024年6月25日 · On 1 April 1995, the GEO launched the 5-year Accelerated LPM Project to upgrade about 800 Government man-made slopes and to carry out safety-screening studies on about 1,500 private man-made slopes. The 10-year Extended LPM Project endorsed by

  3. 2024年6月25日 · Until 2010, the work (which was implemented under a Landslip Preventive Measures Programme) focused on substandard man-made slopes that posed the greatest landslide risk in Hong Kong. Given more than 40 years of sustained efforts, the landslide risk arising from man-made slopes has been reduced considerably.

  4. LPM works on steeply-sloping ground to rectify potentially unstable slopes close to developments. In addition to ensuring the safety of the public and minimising disturbance to the community during the works, special attention is paid to the safety of the

  5. Site Supervision of Landscape Softworks, Establishment Works and Tree Preservation Works in LPM Contracts 13.8.2018 LPMit-DT-07 Installation of Reference Pins on Stabilized Slopes 16.10.2018 LPMit-DT-08 Tree Preservation for Slope Works 13.8.2018 13. ...

  6. www.hkengineer.org.hk › issue › vol31-sep2003Hong Kong Engineer

    A technical visit to landslide preventive measures (LPM) works of reinforced earth (RE) wall construction at Fung Shing Court was organised by the Civil Division on 5 July 2003 and 40 members participated in this event.

  7. 2013年10月1日 · In 1977, the Government of the Hong Kong SAR embarked on a systematic programme, known as the Landslip Preventive Measure (LPM) Programme, to retrofit substandard man-made slopes. From 1977 to 2010, about 4500 substandard government man-made slopes have been upgraded through engineering works.