雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Specialising in decadently delicious cakes, chocolates and patisseries, The Mandarin Cake Shop has been catering Hong Kong’s sweet tooth for over 45 years. It offers mouth-watering homemade delicacies including breads, pastries and incredible cakes made

  2. 文華餅店. 精緻精美,令人回味無窮。 訂購. 文華餅店專門鑽研各種美味的蛋糕、朱古力和糕點,並已在香港為喜愛甜食的顧客服務超過 45 年。 文華餅店自家出品的麵包、糕點及精製蛋糕令人垂涎三尺,看起來仿似精緻雕塑。 賓客可於午餐時間在此享用三文治、湯品和沙律,也可細味烘焙火候恰到好處的咖啡,或配朱古力匙羹的濃郁熱朱古力。 或者,您也可購買一兩件糕點或我們的知名下午茶套餐,帶回家中慢慢細味品嘗。 自取及外賣服務. 上午 8:00 至晚上 8:00(星期一至六);上午 8:00 至晚上 7:00(星期日及公眾假期) 致電. +852 2825 4008. 電郵. mohkg-cakeshop@mohg.com. 餐單推介. 蛋糕及糕點. 月餅訂購表格. 蛋糕和糕點訂購表格. 烘焙糕點訂購表格.

  3. Specialising in decadently delicious cakes, chocolates and patisseries, The Mandarin Cake Shop has been catering Hong Kong’s sweet tooth for over 45 years. Among its many signature items are the iconic 1963 Cheesecake, which has been a favorite of customers since it was first introduced, and the fragrant and sweet Ros.

  4. Specialising in five-star sweets and gourmet treats, The Mandarin Cake Shop has been catering to Hong Kong for over 45 years. From the afternoon tea takeaway to cake delivery, explore the variety of pastry perfection on offer.

  5. 文華餅. 精緻精美,令人回味無窮. 訂購. 文華餅店專門鑽研各種美味的蛋糕、朱古力和糕點,並已在香港為喜愛甜食的顧客服務超過 45 年。. 文華餅店自家出品的麵包、糕點及精製蛋糕令人垂涎三尺,看起來仿似精緻雕塑。. 賓客可於午餐時間在此享用三文治 ...

  6. 文華餅店 The Mandarin Cake Shop的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 中環干諾道中5號香港文華東方酒店閣樓。

  7. Under the watchful eye of our award-winning pastry experts, The Mandarin Cake Shop has been catering Hong Kong’s sweet tooth for over 45 years. Stay for homemade delicacies including chocolates, pastries and incredible cakes made to look like exquisite masterpieces.

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