雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 美心MX不單提供日常港式快餐,餐牌更會限時推介各國特色美食。 不論你身處在新界,九龍,香港島區,均可透過美心快餐網上點餐。 外賣自取時出示QR code或確認電郵即可。

  2. 飲禮劵. 集團的中式應節食品不斷推陳出新,同時備有各式餐飲禮券選擇。 發現更多. 美心餐務.

  3. <iframe src=https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-P5V8BW7 height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe>

  4. Maxim's MX offers fast food for breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner, while hot items include boneless hainan chicken, BBQ Pork Rice with Scrambled Egg, Preserved Radish, and Spring Onion, and Club sandwishes. Super Value and Kids' Meals are also highly popular among customers.

  5. 美心MX (Maxim's MX). 101,076 likes · 341 talking about this. 美心從1972年開設第一間快餐店起,對食品素質始終堅持如一,並與時並進,充分表現精益求精的經營理念。.

  6. OpenRice《開飯喇!》為香港最受歡迎飲食資訊媒體並已覆蓋多個亞洲地區,提供最新最全面的餐廳資料、食評及評分。配合網上訂座、餐飲券、外賣自取及OpenRice Pay埋單等多元化餐飲服務,讓你輕鬆搜尋及享用地道美食及最佳餐廳!

  7. Maxim's MX offers Asian and Hong Kong cuisine promotions. The elderly can enjoy 30% off limited time discount.

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