雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Amino Collagen is the No. 1 best-selling powdered beauty collagen supplement in Japan, prepared from the finest selected 100% low-molecular fish collagen via a unique production process (Patent No. 5877695) developed by Meiji, the company with a proud history of supplying quality food and health products for over 100 years.

  2. Mejii Amino Collagen 明治氨基膠原蛋魚是目前日本最暢銷的粉狀美容膠原蛋自補充劑. 基於其100多年來提供食品和健康產品的經驗,對膠原蛋肽進行精心挑選,其原料精選自100%低分子魚膠原蛋白,採用明治 (Meiji)研發的獨特生產工藝(專利號:5877695)提取。. 成份 ...

  3. Meiji Amino Collagen 明治氨基膠原蛋白 196 $159.00. 聯絡我們. 香港及澳門代理: 樂信藥業貿易有限公司. 電話:24970311. 傳真:24320106. 電郵:cs@apc.com.hk. MENU. 關於明治.

  4. Meiji Amino Collagen 明治氨基膠原蛋白Premium 196克. $348.00. Shipping calculated at checkout. Sizing guide. Add to cart. 特別添加透明質酸、輔酶Q10、神經醯胺等美容成份,加強美肌效果. 提升肌膚保濕力,迅速補水. 淡化細紋,打造「Q彈肌」! 高效提升肌膚彈性及抗氧功效,鎖緊水份,預防肌膚老化. 有助潤滑關節,保持強健,改善「咯咯」聲. 訂購數量: 原箱: 10包. 訂購數量低於2包,建議前往 HKTVMall 訂購。 亦可於本網訂購,訂購數量低於2包,將安排運費到付 (順豐速運) 訂購 2包 或以上,可免運費送到住宅或工商大廈地址 (順豐速運)

  5. 氨基膠原蛋白是目前日本最暢銷的粉狀美容膠原蛋白補充劑,其原料精選自100%低分子魚膠原蛋白,採用明治(Meiji)研發的獨特生產工藝(專利號:5877695)提取。

  6. Meiji明治膠原蛋白粉-持續的美麗習慣! 成就更美麗的⾃⼰。 Watch on.

  7. Meiji Amino Collagen Premium contains more cosmetic formulas such as coenzyme Q10, hyaluronic acid, and ceramides. It uses low-molecular-weight collagen from fish. The collagen made is better absorbed, and the absorption power is 1.5 times more.

  8. For the ultimate beauty.Superior Meiji Amino Collagen Premium.Premium ingredients added to the basic No. 1 best-selling powdered collagen beauty formulation.*1 Cumulative beauty industry sales by brand Jan. - Dec. 2018 (Intage SDI)

  9. Meiji Amino Collage is a supplement designed to support overall beauty and health. Derived from fish collagen, our collagen powder is an easy-to-drink blend of amino acids, glucosamine, vitamin C, and other beautifying ingredients.

  10. 2024年4月29日 · 萬寧有售的日本明治Amino Collagen氨基膠原蛋白粉含有由魚類提取之氨基膠原蛋白精華的獨特成分,比由豬皮提取之氨基膠原蛋白提高吸收1.5倍。 根據官方資料每日食用約7g就相待於5,000毫克之骨膠原精華,便足夠補充人體每日之膠原蛋白所需,而不會有多餘攝取 ...

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