恒生按揭計算機讓你以自設樓宇按揭利率計算每期供樓還款額並比較每月還款及每兩星期供款買樓按揭計劃,了解每兩星期供款可節省之利息及可縮減之還款年期。 按揭計算機亦可應用於車位按揭計算。
Calculate property and car park mortgage repayment amount with changeable mortgage interest rates under monthly and fortnightly plan for comparison on the mortgage loan interest saved and shortened repayment period.
In accordance with the current HKMA requirements, mortgage applicants are required to pass the Debt-servicing Ratio(DSR) shall not exceed 50%. It is calculated on the basis of the first mortgage (second mortgage is not included) as initial reference, and it is
由2024年2月28日起,所有住宅物業交易無須再繳付額外印花稅(SSD)、買家印花稅(BSD)和新住宅印花稅(NRSD)。. 代理佣金一般為樓價1%,詳情可向中原地產查詢。. 律師收費因應各律師行而有所差異,客户可自行與律師行商議。. 資料僅供參考,一概以銀行最終批核、金 ...
提示:. 由2024年2月28日起,所有住宅物業交易無須再繳付額外印花稅 (SSD)、買家印花稅 (BSD)和新住宅印花稅 (NRSD)。. 按照現行金管局規定,按揭申請人之「供款佔入息比率」 (DSR)不可超過50% (根據市場按息及H按封頂息率,一般以不低於5.625%計算)。. 以上計算僅作 ...
透過28hse.com按揭計算機,您可以根據物業價格、利率、首期、印花稅、律師費、代理佣金,以計算每月按揭及總還款額,置業成本。. 您亦可根據每月入息以計算是否通過供款與入息比率及壓力測試。.
Mortgage-Link 計算機. 更改還款方式計算機. 部份還款計算機. 有用工具. new 按此遞交文件. 計算最高可負擔之每月按揭還款額、按揭貸款額及物業售價.
Mortgage Calculators. You can use our calculators to calculate how much you can afford for a mortgage loan based on your current income, work out what your monthly repayment amounts will be and find out how much interest expense you can save with a Deposit-linked Mortgage. How much can I borrow? What will it cost?
Use this online mortgage repayment calculators to assess your monthly interest and mortgage installement. For more information or a more accurate assessment, please call our hotline or use the online form below.