雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. ORIX Rent a Car is one of the top car rental brands in Japan. You can pick up a rental car in one of our shops and in various airports all over Japan and then return it in a different location. Easy online reservations. Let's go for a ride in Japan with ORIX Rent a Car!

  2. ORIX Rent a Car is one of the top car rental brands in Japan. You can pick up a rental car in one of our shops and in various airports all over Japan and then return it in a different location. Easy online reservations. Let's go for a ride in Japan with ORIX Rent a Car!

  3. ORIX Rent a Car is one of the top car rental brands in Japan. You can pick up a rental car in one of our shops and in various airports all over Japan and then return it in a different location. Easy online reservations. Let's go for a ride in Japan with ORIX Rent a Car!

  4. 2024年6月5日 · 日本自由行帶著小孩與長輩們,🚘 租車自駕絕對是最輕鬆的交通方式 ,「 ORIX Rent a Car 歐力士 オリックス株式会社是一家大型租車公司,在日本擁有約 1,000間 連鎖店,且如果發生意外或需要救援,是完全不囉嗦的👍!! ORIX 歐力士 – 福岡機場接送到店鋪,約 ...

  5. 作爲日本業界第二大的租車服務供應商,日本ORIX租車公司專為歐力士香港尊貴客戶準備了獨家租車優惠。 只要經以下輕鬆兩步,即享所有車款15%折扣! 簡單步驟: 訪問網站連結. 輸入電郵地址領取優惠券代碼. 本優惠讓您以物超所值的價格體驗優質租車服務。 機會難得千祈唔好錯過,去盡情享受您期待已久的日本自駕之旅! 上一篇 下一篇.

  6. ORIX Rent a Car is one of the top car rental brands in Japan. You can pick up a rental car in one of our shops and in various airports all over Japan and then return it in a different location. Easy online reservations. Let's go for a ride in Japan with ORIX Rent a Car!

  7. 2023年10月20日 · Exciting news for our valued ORIX Hong Kong & BYON customers – you can now enjoy a 15% discount on all vehicle types when booking through our dedicated ORIX Rent-A-Car website! Grab the coupon code now and explore the scenic landscapes, vibrant cities, and historic sites of Japan with the convenience and comfort of your own rented car!

  8. As the second largest domestic car rental provider in Japan, ORIX Rent-A-Car is proud to offer ORIX Hong Kong clients with exclusive privileges of additional 15% OFF for renting any type of vehicle via the ORIX Rent-A-Car website. Take it easy! It’s ONLY Two Steps to follow: Visit the website of ORIX Rent-A-Car.

  9. 機場. 找到Japan最優惠的 Orix 租車服務並瀏覽顧客評語。. 立刻使用世界上最大的線上租車服務線上預訂。. 預訂奢華、經濟與家庭車款馬上省。.

  10. 省下燃油和哩程費用. 向Orix租車有機會找到採用「加滿取加滿還」的《燃油政策》或無限哩程的方案。. 也就是說,你可以省下一開始把油箱加滿的費用,也代表你不用時時留意哩程數。. 只要 依「政策」篩選 ,即可找到最適合你的方案。.

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