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  1. prostate cancer 相關

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  1. 診斷前列腺癌最初的兩個檢驗是驗血 (PSA) 和直腸檢查。 按此 了解更多有關檢查詳情。 全科醫生檢驗後,如果發現你有任何不正常的現象,就會要求你到醫院作進一步的檢查。 以下所提到的檢驗方法雖然都是用來檢驗前列腺癌,但你並不需要做所有的測試。 在檢驗以前,醫生會與你商討各種檢驗的細節及他們的作用。 按此了解更多有關各種檢查詳情。 直腸超聲波掃描和活組織檢驗(Trans-rectal Ultrasound Scan and Biopsy) X光. 同位素骨骼掃描(Isotope bone scan) CT掃描(CAT Scan)

    • 按此

      香港癌症基金會為大家預備了不同的癌症資訊影片,立即收看 ...

    • Prostate Cancer

      Prostate cancer Prostate cancer, which generally ...

    • 向醫生提問

      前列腺癌位列本港男性第三大常見癌症,50歲起,特別是有近 ...

    • 如何診斷

      前列腺癌位列本港男性第三大常見癌症,50歲起,特別是有近 ...

    • 癌症迷思

      現時科學界暫未有一致性的研究結果證實此觀點,但在英國癌 ...

    • 給照顧者的建議

      面對癌症為生活帶來的轉變,你可能會有各種負面情緒。如果 ...

    • Overview
    • Symptoms
    • Causes
    • Risk Factors
    • Complications
    • Prevention

    Prostate cancer is cancer that occurs in the prostate. The prostate is a small walnut-shaped gland in males that produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. Many prostate cancers grow slowly and are confined to the prostate gland, where they may not cause serious harm. H...

    Prostate cancer may cause no signs or symptoms in its early stages. Prostate cancer that's more advanced may cause signs and symptoms such as: 1. Trouble urinating 2. Decreased force in the stream of urine 3. Blood in the urine 4. Blood in the semen 5. Bone pain 6. Losing weight without trying 7. Erectile dysfunction

    It's not clear what causes prostate cancer. Doctors know that prostate cancer begins when cells in the prostate develop changes in their DNA. A cell's DNA contains the instructions that tell a cell what to do. The changes tell the cells to grow and divide more rapidly than normal cells do. The abnormal cells continue living, when other cells would ...

    Factors that can increase your risk of prostate cancer include: 1. Older age.Your risk of prostate cancer increases as you age. It's most common after age 50. 2. Race.For reasons not yet determined, Black people have a greater risk of prostate cancer than do people of other races. In Black people, prostate cancer is also more likely to be aggressiv...

    Complications of prostate cancer and its treatments include: 1. Cancer that spreads (metastasizes).Prostate cancer can spread to nearby organs, such as your bladder, or travel through your bloodstream or lymphatic system to your bones or other organs. Prostate cancer that spreads to the bones can cause pain and broken bones. Once prostate cancer ha...

    You can reduce your risk of prostate cancer if you: 1. Choose a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables. Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and nutrients that can contribute to your health. Whether you can prevent prostate cancer through diet has yet to be conclusively proved. But ea...

  2. 前列腺癌是前列腺細胞異常生長所形成的癌症。 前列腺是雄性的小核桃形腺體,負責產生能滋養和運輸精子的精液。 前列腺癌雖然常見,但大多生長緩慢,並局限於前列腺,未必會構成即時威脅;但亦有部分類型的前列腺癌卻具有侵略性,並且可以迅速擴散 。 與其他癌症一樣,前列腺癌越早發現,治療成功機會越高,如有任何懷疑應及早求醫。 前列腺癌常見症狀. 前列腺癌的症狀可能包括: 小便頻密,特別是晚上. 尿流細弱. 小便帶血. 勃起功能障礙. 小便時疼痛或灼痛. 前列腺腫大導致坐著時不適或疼痛. 前列腺癌的症狀與一些前列腺疾病,例如前列腺肥大、膀胱感染等相似,容易令人混淆。 但如果癌細胞已擴散到前列腺以外的身體部位,則有可能引發以下症狀: 背部、臀部、大腿、肩膀或其他骨骼疼痛. 腿或腳腫脹或積水. 體重無故減輕.

  3. 前列腺癌. 前列腺癌是香港男性常見癌症的第三位。. 在2021年,前列腺癌新症共有3 038宗,佔本港男性癌症新症總數的16.0%。. 發病年齡中位數為71歲。. 按粗發病率計算,每十萬男性中即有90宗新增個案。. 對本港男性而言,前列腺癌是致命癌症的第四位,在2021年 ...

    • 攝護腺癌(前列腺癌)是什麼?攝護腺癌屬生長緩慢的 癌症,早期通常沒有明顯症狀,所以多數男性患者都會輕忽,導致確診時往往已是晚期,並有轉移的狀況出現。根據衛福部統計處發布的111年國人死因統計結果顯示,111年攝護腺癌死亡人數為1,830人,死亡率10年上升47.5%,是65歲以上人口主要死因之一。
    • 攝護腺是什麼?位置在哪?攝護腺為 男性生殖系統 的一部分,外型就像一顆胡桃,位在膀胱下方、直腸前側,並裹著尿道。值得留意的是,隨著年紀增長,攝護腺會變大,有時會造成排尿困難等問題,通常發生於較年長的男性。
    • 攝護腺癌症狀有哪些?攝護腺癌有前兆嗎?攝護腺癌初期大多沒有徵兆,或症狀不具特異性,容易與好發於50~60歲的良性攝護腺肥大症狀混淆,導致多數病患經常忽略警訊,在確診時已是晚期。
    • 攝護腺癌原因?通常在男生青春期,攝護腺會受雄性激素刺激而成長,幫助表現男性特徵和促進生殖力;然而,若攝護腺細胞發生癌變後,癌細胞也會藉由雄性激素來幫助生長。
  4. Prostate cancer is the third commonest cancer of men in Hong Kong. In 2021, there were 3 038 new cases of prostate cancer, accounting for 16.0% of new cancer cases of men in Hong Kong. The median age at diagnosis was 71 years. The crude annual incidence rate per 100 000 men was 90.

  5. Prostate Health Index (PHI) Test: PHI combining measures Total Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), Free PSA and PSA Precursor to calculate the possibility of prostate cancer. Higher the value of PHI, higher the likelihood of having prostate cancer.

  1. prostate cancer 相關

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