雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Scan to log in to WeChat/Weixin. Tip: Web WeChat requires the use browser cookies to help you log in to allow the web application to function.

  2. 使用手机微信扫登录. 提示:网页版微信需要使用浏览器Cookie来帮助你登录,以便运行网页版应用程序。 详细信息.

  3. 使用手机微信扫码登录. 提示:网页版微信需要使用浏览器Cookie来帮助你登录,以便运行网页版应用程序。 详细信息.

  4. 微信 Windows 版. Bug fixes and improvements. 下载 3.9.11. 适用于 Windows7 及以上版本. 请在电脑访问. https://windows.weixin.qq.com. Copyright © 1998-2024 Tencent All Rights Reserved. 一款跨平台的通讯工具。支持单人、多人参与。通过手机网络发送语音、图片、视频和文字。

  5. weixin.qq.com › cgi-bin › readtemplateIntro QR Code - 微信

    Web login. Visit web.wechatapp.com and scan the QR code to log in to Web WeChat. More surprises are waiting for you! Next time you see a QR code, scan it with WeChat.

  6. login.wechat.com › faq_webwxFAQ - WeChat

    How do I log in to Web WeChat? Visit web.wechatapp.com and scan the QR code to log in. 5. How do I log out of Web WeChat? You will be logged out of WeChat if: 1) You select Log Out on the web page or close the browser. 2) You select Log Out on your phone or exit WeChat. 3) You are inactive for a long time.

  7. Available for all kinds of platforms; enjoy group chat; support voice,photo,video and text messages.

  8. login.wechat.com › faq_webwxWeChat網頁版FAQ

    在瀏覽器輸入web.wechatapp.com用WeChat掃描網頁上的QR Code即可登入WeChat網頁版。 5.如何登出WeChat網頁版? 在以下幾種情況下,你將會登出WeChat網頁版: 1) 在網頁上選擇了登出,或關閉瀏覽器。 2) 較長時間沒有操作時,網頁版將會自動登出。 3) 在手機上選擇了登出網頁版,或者手機上登出WeChat,網頁版也會登出。 溫馨提示:WeChat網頁版的聊天訊息會同步至手機,建議使用WiFi網絡以節省數據用量。

  9. web.wechat.com › cgi-bin › mmwebwx-binWeb WeChat

    Scan to log in to WeChat/Weixin. Tip: Web WeChat requires the use browser cookies to help you log in to allow the web application to function.

  10. help.wechat.com › cgi-bin › micromsg-binWeChat Help Center

    Select Switch Account on the login page of the WeChat for Windows/Mac to change to another account, and open WeChat on your mobile, select "+" in the top right corner > Scan, to log in to WeChat. Note: At the current time it's not possible to log in to Web WeChat and WeChat for Windows/Mac with the same account at the same time.