雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 按照《公告》規定,在中國境內停留的當天滿24小時的,計入境內居住天數;不足24小時的,不計入境內居住天數。 舉例來說,周女士為香港居民,在深圳工作,每週一早上來深圳上班,週五晚上回香港。 週一和週五當天停留都不足24小時,因此不計入境內居住天數,再加上週六、周日2天也不計入,這樣,每週可計入的天數僅為3天,按全年52周計算,周女士全年在境內居住天數為156天,未超過183天,不構成居民個人,周女士取得的全部境外所得,就可免繳個人所得稅。 境外人士(包括港澳臺居民)在境內連續居住“滿六年”,從哪一年開始起計算. 按照《公告》規定,在境內居住累計滿183天的年度連續“滿六年”的起點,是自2019年(含)以後年度開始計算,2018年(含)之前已經居住的年度一律“清零”,不計算在內。

  2. www.cwcccpa.comCWCCCPA

    CWCC is a professional advisory firm providing a full range of business services in Hong Kong and major cities in mainland China. We have earned an international reputation as one of the leading firms in the industry by caring for clients and striving to offer the highest possible standards of expertise and personalized service. More →.

  3. 由2004年1月至2011年12月擔任香港會計師公會調查小組的成員,及由2014年至2021年8月担任香港会计师公会纪律小组成员。. : (852) 2956 2288. : chan.eddie@cwcccpa.com. 鍾傳安先生 是CWCC創所合夥人之一,負責審計小組及移民顧問小組。. 他也主管技術委員會,致力檢討和改善 ...

  4. www.cwcccpa.comCWCCCPA

    我們的團隊 陳黃鍾蔡會計師事務所擁有強大及資深合夥人團隊和180多名具備不同專長的員工,一直支持員工參加各種專業發展課程,加強並更新他們的專業知識。改善閣下的財務報告系統和控制結構,同時增強盈利能力和全球競爭力,並加強企業治理和風險管理

    • Wide Spectrum of Expert Services
    • Broad Reach Across China
    • Extensive Global Network

    CWCC offers a wide range of reliable, high-quality services, including specialist business advisory focusing on China business, audit and other assurance, tax, corporate secretarial and business process outsourcing. Complementing our international experience and global outlook, a key strength is our understanding of the languages, customs, laws and...

    To provide flexible and timely services for clients in China, the partners have continued to extend our reach since establishing a mainland office in 1994 as one of the first Hong Kong CPA firms. Today we have a network of offices in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing and Nanchang. All of these mainland offices are wholly owned by CWCC. This pu...

    As an independently owned and managed member of Morison Global, CWCC supports clients expanding into China or from the mainland China into worldwide markets. Each of our Morison Globalaffiliates, in more than 75 countries, is well-respected for providing specialized business services and high technical standards. Together with them, we work closely...

  5. 英属维京群岛(BVI)最近通过2018年经济实质(公司及有限合伙)法(以下简称「新法规」)要求从事特定业务的法律实体在BVI要有「充分的经济实质」,新法规已于2019年1月1日生效。 新法规的订立是为了响应经合组织针对不征税或仅名义征税的管辖区实质活动要求出台的最新“侵蚀税基及转移利润”标准 ...

  6. www.cwcccpa.comCWCCCPA

    我们的团队 陈黄钟蔡会计师事务所拥有强大及资深合伙人团队和180多名具备不同专长的员工,一直支持员工参加各种专业发展课程,加强并更新他们的专业知识。改善阁下的财务报告系统和控制结构,同时增强盈利能力和全球竞争力,并加强企业治理和风险管理