雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. THE CUP. THE CUP主打正宗韓式美食,從其設計出簡單便捷的精選餐點,以至用上特色紙杯餐盒盛載食品,均體現出THE CUP 3S理念(纖巧、時尚、簡單)融合至店內每個細節。. THE CUP的餐牌及店舖設計意念源自首爾總部,為顧客帶來時尚簡約的傳統韓式風味。.

  2. Showcasing authentic casual Korean dining, THE CUP incorporates its 3S philosophy (slim, stylish & simple) in every facet of operations – from its iconic paper serving cups to its traditional cooking style. With a menu and décor designed by the company’s headquarters in Seoul, THE CUP Hong Kong offers traditional Korean dishes as well as ...

  3. 大家樂集團(股份編號:0341)於1968年註冊成立,並於1986年7月於香港聯交所上市,是亞洲最大的餐飲上市集團之一。集團紮根香港逾50年,於本地快餐市場穩佔領導地位。 時至今日,集團涵蓋速食餐飲、休閒餐飲、機構飲食以及食物產製業務,於本港及中國內地擁有逾470間分店及4所獲ISO國際認證的 ...

  4. Overview. Incorporated in 1968 and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in July 1986, Café de Coral Group (SEHK: 0341) is one of Asia’s largest publicly-listed restaurant and catering groups. With deep roots in Hong Kong, the Group has established its position as a market leader in the fast food industry over the past 50 years.

  5. Luncheon Star. Luncheon Star is Hong Kong’s largest student lunch service provider – serving healthy, fresh and nutritious lunches to primary and secondary school students around the city. With meal plans carefully designed by nutritionists to provide optimum nutrition at different stages of growth, Luncheon Star is the city’s No.1 lunch ...

  6. 食物產製及分銷 大家樂集團分別於香港及廣州營運食物產製及分銷中心,以配合旗下餐廳及餐飲業務的發展。 集團位於大埔工業邨的香港中央產製中心於2013年4月啟用,樓面面積達140,000平方呎,為集團在本港的餐飲業務供應大部份食品材料。

  7. 中國內地中央產製中心. 中國內地中央產製中心於2011年啟用,位於廣州開發區,樓面面積達368,000平方呎,為集團在中國內地的餐飲業務供應食材。. 此設施設有集團訓練中心,包括行政人員培訓中心、模範店、培訓廚房、研究及開發室等,每年可培訓約1,500名 ...