雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Overview IQ-CODE When there are signs of memory loss with you or your loved ones, you may wonder if they are an early symptom of dementia. When in doubt, use the method below for a quick test. If the tests show some possibility of dementia onset, seek medical help as soon as possible. JCCPA’s Memory… Continue reading Dementia Screening Test

  2. 醫護人員現時多根據美國精神醫學學會(American Psychiatric Association)所發表的《精神疾病診斷標準則手冊第五版》(DSM-V)內所列的徵狀,診斷一個人是否有腦退化症。 此外,智能測驗、電腦斷層掃描、核磁共振造影檢查、血液檢驗等均可協助醫護人員判斷該名人士是否出現腦退化症徵狀,抑或是因為其他疾病而導致類似徵狀。 心血管疾病、抑鬱症、中風、肥胖等均是高危因素,與腦退化症出現機率有關,所以保持身心健康非常重要。 認清不同種類的腦退化症. 阿茲. 海默症. 最常見的腦退化症種類,約佔所有個案的50%至70%,在女性中較為普遍。 病情通常進展緩慢,最早出現的常見徵狀是短期記憶、儲存資料和學習新事物出現困難。 血管性. 腦退化症.

  3. 若你的認知能力仍然良好,早日與家人就日後的醫療決定、護理安排及財務安排達成共識,可以:. 避免 家人在討論你的醫療、護理、財務安排時發生衝突. 避免 家人因為要代為決定而承受其他人給予的壓力. 避免 因為家人之間有不同意見而影響你的利益、安危 ...

  4. 示意腦退化症人士從一數到三後抓緊你並站起, 到三時用雙腿的力量提舉及慢慢移動他 / 她,期間保持腰背挺直 5. 移動腦退化症人士,讓他 / 她轉移到輪椅前,再扶他 / 她慢慢坐到輪椅上,期間保持腰背挺直 ...

  5. 繼賽馬會「回家易」離院復康計劃第一期之成功,賽馬會耆智園有幸再次獲得香港賽馬會慈善信託基金撥款捐助推行第二期「回家易」計劃。. 「回家易」的概念,來自本園顧問委員會委員陸文慧律師倡議的「復康陪月計劃」。. 該計劃旨在訓練外籍家庭傭工在剛 ...

  6. When your cognition is intact, you should reach a consensus with family members, who may have to make decisions on your behalf about medical, care and financial matters if you are unable to do so due to the onset of dementia or mid-to-late stage dementia.

  7. Eating sustains life and gratification. Eating with others is a social event. However, people with dementia may have swallowing difficulties over time. It is necessary to observe their eating in order to offer help when needed and help them maintain their quality of life.