雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 在足部最常見的困擾。 最常見於缺少訓練及準備、或初次進行長途山賽的參加者。 最常見於腳趾、後腳踭、大腳趾頭下、足弓位等位置。 基本上在濕的腳上任何有磨擦的位置均可導致水泡形成。 要有效減免水泡形成〃必需減少水份及磨擦﹗. 沒有最好的方法適合所有人〃請於賽前訓練找出最適合你雙腳的方法。 減少水份方法. 濕的皮膚有更多的磨擦〃所以必需減少雙腳水份。 人的腳掌及手掌有最密集的排汗腺體〃一雙好的襪子能使雙腳保持 乾爽。 尋找最能吸濕排汗的襪子〃例如是Coolmax, moisture-wicking properties, 人造纖維混紡羊毛等。 純綿或天然羊毛的襪子較為吸汗但不利排汗〃不適合易起水泡的人。 可穿著2雙襪子〃內薄排汗〃外厚吸濕〃以減少雙腳水份。

  2. Medical Tips. The Kowloon Central Cluster voluntary medical support team provides first aid and emergency medical treatment along the 100 km trail during the Oxfam Trailwalker. At each of the 11 CPs (including the Start and Finish Points), our volunteer doctors and nurses will provide medical treatment for injured participants.

  3. www.oxfamtrailwalker.org.hk › wp-content › uploadsFoot Care in Trailwalk

    合適的鞋具: 遠足靴子或越野跑鞋最佳:-在比賽前,要做遠足訓練,最少10×5公里的操練。-在比賽時不要穿着全新的運動鞋 。-要多帶備一雙鞋子,當感到所穿的鞋子令足部不適,便要替換。-鞋子必須能於大腳趾關節位置輕易屈曲 。-鞋跟必須堅固,不能輕易用手擠壓扁。

  4. www.oxfamtrailwalker.org.hk › wp-content › uploadsTrailwalker 2009

    70-80%為下肢傷患 70-80% lower limb problems 當中膝關節傷患佔70% in which 70% knee problems 前膝痛症及髂脛束綜合症為最常見 的肌肉骨骼傷患 Anterior Knee Pain and Iliotibial Band Syndrome most common

  5. How to Choose Trail Walking Shoes. 內容. CONTENT. 功能性鍛煉運動Functional Training. 伸展運動Stretching Exercise. 泡綿滾筒運動Foam Roller Exercise. 練習時段Practical Session. 毅行常見的肌肉骨骼傷患. Commonly Seen Musculoskeletal Problems in TW. (Jungmalm J, et al 2018) 毅行常見的肌肉骨骼傷患. 70-80%為下肢傷患. 70-80% lower limb problems. 當中膝關節傷患佔70% in which 70% knee problems.

  6. 2015年10月5日 · 2015年10月05日. 跑鞋?. 行山靴?. 如何抉擇?. 高筒行山靴能有效保護足踝,厚鞋底更適合於凹凸路面行走;跑鞋則輕便靈活,但保護功能相對較低。. 有些參加者會針對某些路段由支援隊伍帶備鞋襪替換。. 另外,鞋墊可減低雙腳的衝擊力。. 謹記:活動期間勿穿 ...

  7. Oxfam Trailwalker is one of the largest fundraising sporting events in Hong Kong. Since 1986, more than 100,000 participants have raised over HK$600 million to support Oxfam’s various poverty alleviation and emergency relief projects in Africa and Asia, including Hong Kong and mainland China. However, there are still around one billion people ...