雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 熱線電話︰ (852) 2366 6996 Whatsapp︰ 5268 9727 電郵︰ info@gvsc.hk 地址︰ 香港九龍尖沙咀加連威老道41C-D嘉威大廈5樓全層 (港鐵尖沙咀站 B2出口)

  2. 如果所穿的鞋過緊,會將指甲擠壓入腳趾。 重複性腳趾受傷. 真菌感染使指甲加厚或加寬. 如果家族中曾有人患嵌甲,患嵌甲的機會略高. 病徵. 嵌甲初期,腳趾末端會發紅,輕微腫痛。 觸摸時會感到微熱,沒有流膿徵狀。 其後,指甲尖端會長出額外的組織及流膿。 嚴重者會在嵌甲位置流出白色或黃色液體。 治療方法. 嵌甲切除手術,局部去除指甲的嵌甲部份。 常見問題.

  3. Wear tight underwear (for reduction of penile movement) and loose pants for children. Follow up in the clinic 3-7 days after operation. Keep wound dry all the time. For plastibell circumcision performing in the clinic: Before surgery: Remember to bring along the birth certificate and parent’s identity card.

  4. 雞眼. 皮膚因長期或時斷時續地受到壓力或摩擦,使其過度增厚,生成厚繭。 雞眼形成後中央有一粒角錐形/眼形隆起物,所以得名雞眼。 了解更多→. 嵌甲 (倒甲) 當指甲在腳趾末端或側處生長時插入皮膚內,而不是長在肉上面,就名為嵌甲。 通常會影響腳趾甲,尤其是大腳趾。 了解更多→. 皮膚瘜肉是一個垂下的皮膚組織,由一條莖懸垂在皮膚表面。 常見於臉部、頸部、胸部、背部、腋窩或腹股溝。 了解更多→. 粉瘤是一種常見的皮膚良性囊腫,生長在皮膚真皮毛囊漏斗位置。 通常生長在面、耳、胸或背,直徑由幾毫米至幾厘米不等。 了解更多→. 疤痕增生/瘢瘤. 瘢瘤是皮膚凸起或增厚的疤痕。 了解更多→. 眼瘡. 霰粒腫是眼瞼內的腫塊,又稱"瞼板腺囊腫"或"眼瘡"。

    • What Is Vasectomy?
    • Vasectomy Indications
    • Treatment
    • Post-Operative Period
    • Complications
    • Can Vasectomy Be Reversed?

    Sperms are produced by the two testes. Newly produced sperms are stored in the epididymis. The sperms are transported through the vas deferens and ejaculated together with seminal fluid secreted by the prostate gland, as semen, during sexual intercourse. Pregnancy occurs when a sperm fertilizes an ovum, and the fertilized ovum implanted in the uter...

    Married man, with child / children in his family, agrees to take up the role of contraception with the agreement by his wife can be considered for bilateral vasectomy.

    Before surgery, the doctor will apply a layer of local anesthetic cream in the middle of the scrotal skin. The local anesthetic cream will render the subsequent injection nearly pain free. Fifteen minutes afterwards, doctor will sterilize the scrotal skin and inject a long acting local anesthetic to subcutaneous area of the scrotum. This long actin...

    With the use of this new generation of knife-less vasectomy, there is nearly zero pain during or after surgery. Patients can go home in the clinic soon after surgery. Patients working in the office can return to their office work the next day after surgery. Patient working as manual labor is suggested to take few days to one week sick leave. To con...

    Small proportion of patients may feel slight discomfort or mild gripping pain. Only a few per cent of patients may have complications, e.g. wound bleeding, swelling, bruising, infection etc.

    Vasectomy is a contraceptive method and the chance of reversal is very low. As vasectomy is a contraceptive method, any men thinking that there might be a chance of vasectomy reversal should not choose this method.

  5. Patient closes his or her eyes and massages the edges of his or her closed eyelids back and forth 10 times with shampoo foam using the index finger. Repeat the process with the middle finger, ring finger and little finger. Finally, wash away the remaining shampoo. If the chalazion does not resolve with conservative management.

  6. We are committed to provide patients with comprehensive and high quality specialist services, such as endoscopies, minor/intermediate/major surgery etc, ranging from Flat warts, Genital warts, Foot corns, Ingrown of toenail, Skin polyps, Sebaceous cyst, Ganglion from Joint / Tendon.