雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 深度旅遊. 季節. 【東京花火】萬發起跳!. 東京夏日花火大會不間斷(2023年最新版). Nina 妮娜 2023年7月24日 更新. 夏日假期 東京 關東地區. 夏天來到東京除了體驗夜間的啤酒花園,融入在地生活的夏日煙火大會也是必體驗的一項盛事。. 說道日本人心中標準的 ...

  2. 2019年3月29日 · This year's festival is coming up on April 27 to May 6, 2019. The STRANGE SEED fringe festival will be from May 3 to May 6, 2019, with performances held around the city. From huge taiko drums to theater performances in Tokyo's artsy neighborhoods, theater, music and dance lovers alike flock to experience Japan's performance festivals.

  3. 2019年1月23日 · The Aomori Nebuta Festival enthralls millions of visitors every year from August 2 to 7, with brightly lit, intricate and boldly colored floats known as nebuta. These gigantic lantern floats are five meters high and weigh close to four tons, and reflect themes from kabuki, history, mythology and more.

  4. 2018年10月30日 · Here are some different terms used for the most common events held for Japanese music artists. Live (ライブ, raibu ): One of the most common terms for a stage performance. Stage (ステージ, suteh-ji ): Another common term for a stage performance. Riri-ibe (リリイベ): Short for “release event.”.

  5. 2016年11月2日 · Some of the biggest festivals you won’t want to miss include: Dec. 31 & Jan. 1: New Year’s Eve & New Year’s Day (celebrated throughout Japan) 2nd week of Feb.: Sapporo Snow Festival (Hokkaido) Apr. 14-15: Takayama Festival (Gifu) 3rd Fri-Sun of May: Sanja Matsuri (Asakusa, Tokyo) May 15: Aoi Matsuri (Kyoto)

  6. 2019年7月17日 · 东京北部茨城县日立中市是日本摇滚音乐节的举办地,音乐节是日本夏季最大音乐盛宴。. 音乐节通常举办于八月,持续三至四天。. 音乐节聚集了最多的J-Pop和J-Rock乐队,这意味着参与者不得不在不同舞台间艰难选择。. 同时你也会被邀请到音乐大棚中,享受 ...

  7. 日本城迷、歷男歷女絕對不能少的登城紀念章「御城印」(佐賀篇). 日本許多景點都有提供紀念章蓋印,日本城當然也不例外,身為日本城迷、歷史迷的你,現在除了日本城紀念章,還有新的紀念選擇「御城印」!. All About 九州地區!! All About Japan 和日本之物 ...