雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 情侶注意結婚前要考慮嘅3件事. 拍咗拖好一段時間嘅您就算雙方都已經有共識由情人升呢至夫妻都要知道結婚未必係您想像中咁簡單!. 正所謂相見好同住難」,要組織一個新家庭絕對要做足心理準備立即同咁多位愛侶plan ahead面對婚前必須要考慮 ...

  2. - Citi Hong Kong. 食買玩專家. 第一次派利是,有咩要留意? 踏入人生新階段 —— 結咗婚之後身份嘅轉變會令您嘗試好多唔同嘅第一次」,而喺嚟緊嘅農曆新年剛剛成為人夫或者人妻嘅您就要試吓第一次派利是! 想派得好好睇睇? 不妨睇睇以下幾個小貼士! 人生首次派利是一定要派雙封? 啱啱結婚,梗係要雙雙對對攞個好意頭,所以傳統上有派「雙封」嘅習慣:即係指結婚頭一年嘅夫婦,兩個人都各派兩封利是;而由第二年開始,夫婦可以各派一封利是畀親友。 不過結婚頭一年派「雙封」,都只係務求攞個好意頭,實際上要派幾多封,最好因應返自己嘅預算嚟判斷。 利是個餡要入幾多?

  3. 燈油火蠟、柴米油鹽樣樣都係錢,若然一個大花筒,一個守財奴,理財理念向左走向右走嘅話,同居後一講到錢只會得個嘈字!加上情侶可能視結婚買樓為目標,如果理財消費習慣步伐唔一致,將會拖慢儲錢進度,所以同居前一定要先達成共識,譬如協議將收入分成三份,分別用喺消費、儲錢同投資 ...

  4. HK$1,500. >= RMB500,000 – RMB799,999. HK$1,000. >= RMB100,000 – RMB499,999. HK$300. 條款及細則 >. 開立南向通戶口,即可賺取高達HK$1,500現金回贈,享有Citibank世界一流的金融產品,並提供靈活簡單的理財體驗,助您掌握創富新機遇。.

    • 香港九龍觀塘海濱道83號One Bay East, Citi Tower
  5. Citigold Private Client. Join Citigold and open a Citi NextGen Account to enjoy preferential time deposit rate and up to HK$42,100 rewards. Amplify your spending with up to 5% rebate in Spring! Citi Plus Live a Little More Enjoy over HK$10,000 rewards.

  6. For the most part, there is no difference between applying for a regular mortgage and a refinancing mortgage. The only difference is customers are required to pay off the outstanding balance of their current mortgage. For details on refinancing, please call our Mortgage Hotline 2963 6489 within office hours.

  7. Open a Citigold Private Client and a Citi NextGen account to enjoy up to HK$65,300 rewards. Find Out More. At Citigold Private Client, we understand that wealth goes beyond simple accumulation. It's about comfort in knowledge that everything stays stable during good and bad times. So you have the power to fully pursue, and enjoy your passions ...