雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Welcome to this website. We have designed it especially for old people in Hong Kong. Here we hope you will find many useful materials explaining the law, and your rights and obligations under the law.

  2. Enduring Power of Attorney Questions and answers 1. I am getting old and I want to let my son take care of my financial affairs for me. He is a fine gentleman and I trust him completely. I know that there is something called a General Power of Attorney, where I ...

  3. 身后事的安排 骨灰撒海 公众可选择在把骨灰撒放在本港三个指定海域内,即塔门以东、东龙洲以东或西博寮海峡以南。 食环署在每星期六上午会安排免费渡船从西湾河公众码头出发,前往东龙洲以东海域让市民进行撒灰仪式。

  4. Public housing issues Harmonious Families Priority Scheme (“HFPS”) The HFPS offers priority to public rental housing applicants with elderly family members. Eligible families may opt to live in one flat or two flats which are close together, depending their choice ...

  5. 订立遗嘱及遗产分配 您的遗产谁负责管理与分发? 阁下百年归老后,财产会由阁下的遗产代理人代理,直至完成管理及分发工作。一般而言,代理人要先往高等法院遗产承办处,取得有关授予文件,方可名正言顺处理阁下的财产。

  6. 長者常犯的罪行 層壓式推銷 層壓式推銷是透過網羅新參與者而獲利的傳銷計劃。每個參與者需要向推廣者付一筆錢才可參與。參與者藉招攬新參與者賺取金錢。 根據第617章《禁止層壓式計劃條例》第5條,參與層壓式推銷的最高刑罰是罰款港幣100萬元和監禁7年。

  7. Welcome to this website. We have designed it especially for old people in Hong Kong. Here we hope you will find many useful materials explaining the law, and your rights and obligations under the law.