雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年3月21日. 美國聯儲局一如預期維持利率不變,究竟今次議息有甚麼啟示? 立即與您用一分鐘看清重點! 市場匯報. 提供及時的市場資訊,讓您輕鬆掌握市場動態。 歐元兌港元曾跌穿8.4;見2個月低位. 歐洲央行發出更明確減息訊號,當有信心通脹回落至2%,有望開始減息。 市場預期歐洲央行將於6月開始行動。 歐元兌港元連跌2日,周二低見8.38,逼近今年低位8.36。 2024年4月12日. 日本央行議息後日圓急跌. 議息結果公布後,每百日圓兌港元跌穿過5.2的兩周低位,較3月初高位5.33以上,低出約2%。 日本央行17年來首次加息,宣布結束負利率政策,將基準利率調高至0至0.1厘,同時結束孳息率曲線控制政策。 2024年3月19日. 環球股市大派龍年利是.

  2. Instant investment funds account opening via Online Banking and manage your UT portfolio online anytime, anywhere. Fund Select: list of quality funds in different asset classes based on the Bank’s proprietary funds selection process and focusing on People, Process and Performance (3Ps)

  3. A footprint like no other. Since Standard Bank and Chartered Bank merged to become Standard Chartered in 1969, we’ve developed a distinctive network that stretches across our core markets in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and beyond. Today, we’re proud to have 83,000 colleagues working in 53 markets worldwide. Discover our markets.

  4. 2023年5月17日 · 渣打網上理財 輕鬆管理戶口及進行交易. 如何登記網上理財? 忘記您的用戶名稱或密碼? 您可以透過重新登記 重設 用戶名稱及密碼。 按此 觀看登記網上理財示範。 步驟1. 於sc.com/hk/zh/ 的右上角按「登入」再按 「渣打網上理財」。 步驟2. 在「個人銀行客戶」或「信用卡客戶」下按「登記」。 步驟3. 個人銀行客戶. 憑提款卡登記. 輸入您的 提款卡號碼 及 櫃員機密碼. 或 憑電話理財卡登記. 輸入您的 電話理財號碼 及 電子理財私人密碼 。 信用卡客戶. 輸入您的 信用卡號碼 、 有效期限 、 出生日期 及 香港身份證號碼 。 步驟4. 確認您在本行登記的手提電話號碼,您的手機會收取一次有效密碼的短訊。 步驟5. 輸入您的一次有效密碼。 步驟6. 設定您的用戶名稱及密碼。

    • Appointed
    • Career
    • External Appointments

    Ben was appointed Standard Chartered’s President, International in April 2024. He sits on the Group’s Management Team and is the Chairman of both Standard Chartered Bank (China) Limited and Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited.

    Ben joined Standard Chartered in 1992 and has held a number of senior management positions spanning corporate, commercial and retail banking. Prior to his current role, he was CEO, Asia, overseeing the Bank’s presence in 21 Asian markets.

    Ben is a member of the Hong Kong Chief Executive’s Council of Advisers, Exchange Fund Advisory Committee, the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited’s Board of Directors and the General Committee of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce. He is an economic advisor at the International Consultative Conference on the Future Economic Development ...

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