雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Database on Official Record of Proceedings provides a one-stop search for users' easy retrieval of information on business conducted in Council meetings since the Fifth LegCo in 2012-2013. The Database allows both full text search and faceted search, such as search by agenda items, subjects, Members and Public Officers.

  2. 法律專業特權和搜查令 不論法律訴訟程序是否已經展開,當事人為了取得法律意見而和他 的法律顧問作出的通訊,無論是口頭或書面通訊,均享有可免披露的特 權。不過,當事人和他的法律顧問為了助長犯罪或欺詐行為而作出的通 訊,不受此項特權保護。 2.

  3. 1958 Session * 1920 Session * 1885-86 Session * 1990-91 Session 1957 Session * 1919 Session * 1884-85 Session * 1989-90 Session 1956 Session * 1918 Session * 1884 Session * 1988-89 Session 1955 Session * 1917 Session * 1883 Session * 1987-88 * * ...

  4. 立法會綜合大樓網上導覽. 立法會圖書館及檔案館活動. 立法會議席空缺. 與風險為本資本制度和保險中介人費用相關的附屬法例. 立法會議員與大埔和中西區區議會議員舉行會議 (附圖) 立法會將審議《2024年應課税品 (修訂)條例草案》(附件). 立法會政府帳目 ...

  5. 第七届立法会由90位议员组成, 当中40位议员经选举委员会选举产生,30位议员经功能界别选举产生, 其余20位议员经分区直接选举产生。 立法会的主要职能是制定、修改和废除法律;审核及通过财政预算、稅收和公共开支;以及对政府的工作提出质询。

  6. The main functions of the Legislative Council are to enact, amend or repeal laws; examine and approve budgets, taxation and public expenditure; and raise questions on the work of

  7. The Legislative Council ("LegCo") was established with a composition of three Official Members and the Governor as the President. The earliest LegCo sitting was held. The first Standing Rules and Orders for the Legislative Council of Hong Kong was adopted in pursuance of Article 6 of the Royal Instructions of 1843.