雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年7月4日 · Rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people have seen improvements in Japan, with same-sex couples recognized by Sapporo and a few wards in Tokyo. Recognition comes in the form of legally non-binding certificates, which allow couples to be treated as if they’re married when it comes to things like life insurance or apartment rentals.

  2. 2017年5月3日 · One of Japan's biggest stories of 2015 was the wedding of two actresses, Ayaka Ichinose (一ノ瀬文香・Ichinose Ayaka) and Akane Sugimori (杉森茜・Sugimori Akane). The two met in Ni-chome in 2012, moved in together in 2013, and were engaged in 2014.

  3. 2021年4月2日 · 2020年,志村健染上新肺炎,不幸去世,民眾都為失去這位天才搞笑藝人而感到惋惜和悲痛,但在媒體緬懷志村大量報導新肺炎在社會傳播的時候,含蓄地避開志村是去夜店喝酒的時候被感染的這個問題。

  4. 2016年12月1日 · Filmmaker Hikaru Toda is working on an intriguing documentary about Fumi & Kazu, who run the first openly gay law firm in Japan. Passionate about justice, the lawyers “know all too well the realities of being different in a homogenous society.” And while the documentary revolves around the duo, like any legal matter the story is in their clients.

  5. 紫陽花的花通常在五月中旬至七月初,梅雨季節裡綻放的紫陽花,其絢爛色彩以及令人憐愛的渾圓花體,療癒了雨季帶來的陰鬱氣氛。 紫陽花開! 漫步日本各地遇見初夏好風光 | All About Japan

  6. 2016年11月9日 · 您不僅能享受購物樂趣,還能在靠海的餐廳和咖啡廳中悠閒享用美食。 更多詳情. 從JR佐世站港口出口步行1分鐘。 0956-22-6630. What to do nearby? 食. 飲. 購物. 行動. 停留. 九十九島牡蠣 ささいずみ(sasaizumi) 287m. Big Man. 527m. 和魂洋綵 餐廳 門(mon) 641m. All About 佐世五番街 !! All About Japan 和日本之物! 發現動漫,音樂,城堡,美食,餐館,視頻,購物,旅行貼士及更多精彩特輯等著你!

  7. 1982年開業,座落於人來人往的南町二樓,彷彿一打開門就能看見菅田將暉與桐谷健太、或是日劇版的遣都坐在店內,而實際上原著作者又吉直樹本人,就是在武蔵野珈琲店完成《火花》一書的。