雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Adrian Perica is Apple’s vice president of Corporate Development, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. Adrian is responsible for the company’s mergers, acquisitions and strategic investing efforts. Since joining Apple in 2009, he has overseen the successful integration of vital technologies and new businesses across hardware, software and services.

  2. John Ternus is Apple’s senior vice president of Hardware Engineering, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. John leads all hardware engineering, including the teams behind iPhone, iPad, Mac, AirPods, and more. John joined Apple’s Product Design team in 2001 and has been a vice president of Hardware Engineering since 2013.

  3. Chief Financial Officer. Luca Maestri is Apple’s senior vice president and chief financial officer reporting to CEO Tim Cook. As CFO, Luca oversees the accounting, business support, financial planning and analysis, treasury, real estate, investor relations, internal audit and tax functions at Apple.

  4. 因为专业属于文科范畴,她需要阅读大量的文献,也常常需要手写作业和通过电子版上传,在这种情况下,相对于通过扫描自己的书写文档,直接使用 Apple Pencil 在 PDF 文档或图片上书写和上传不需要打印,也更加便捷,大大提升了自己的学习效率。. 因为学业的 ...

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  5. 2019 年 2 月 5 日,新任 Apple 零售业务兼人力高级副总裁 Deirdre O’Brien 在向 Apple 员工发表讲话。. (加利福尼亚州,Cupertino) — Apple 今日宣布,Deirdre O’Brien 将接管 Apple Store 零售店和在线商店业务,兼任零售业务和人力高级副总裁,向 CEO Tim Cook 汇报。. Angela Ahrendts ...

  6. 在 Apple、本地艺术家和非营利性社区合作伙伴的引领下,参与者获得了上手实践和接受导师指导的机会. 唱作人组合好妹妹的秦昊和张小厚为年轻创作者们展示如何制作一支 MV。. 年轻创作者们今天齐聚 Apple 三里屯,庆祝 Today at Apple 创想营北京项目顺利收官 ...

  7. 1940 年代中期,他远赴美国学习音乐,先后师从俄裔作曲家和指挥家 Nicholas Slonimsky、“电子音乐之父” Edgard Varèse 和磁带音乐与电子音乐先驱 Otto Luening 学习作曲,受到多元文化的浸润滋养,周文中早期管弦乐作品《山水》(1949)和《花落知多少》(1956)皆以中国音乐的旋律、声响为出发点,古诗词的音韵为载体,并结合西方和声技法,逐渐奠定了他受中国传统美学影响、继承与叛逆并蓄地引入西方技术的音乐创作。 周文中一方面接受了良好的西方现代音乐的学术训练,一方面深入研究中国诗词、书法、绘画、易经哲学和古琴,站在传统与现代、东方与西方的交点上,他饶有兴味的创作助其成为 20 世纪中期首批开创性地结合亚洲传统美学与西方先进观念、技法的作曲家中的杰出代表。