雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年8月28日 · Date:2017.08.28 Publisher:Evergrande Group. On August 27th, Evergrande tourism group held "Evergrande children world" press conference at Guangzhou Evergrande center. Xia Haijun, Vice Chairman of Evergrande Group board and CEO, Xiao En, Executive Vice President of Evergrande Group and CEO of Evergrande Tourism Group, He Miaoling and Shi ...

  2. On October 19–20, a large-scale red classic dance drama – The Railway Guerrillas, sponsored by Evergrande Real Estate Group and performed by the Song and Dance Ensemble of the PLA General Political Department, was on show perfectly in Guangzhou Grand ...

  3. 2010年6月30日 · On July 11, the grand opening of Jinan Evergrande Oasis — the first model project invested and built by Evergrande in the beautiful Quancheng was held. The site was full of great excitement with ruffles and flourishes, lion-dance celebration and a hubbub of voices. A ...

  4. 2010年9月29日 · On Oct. 16, as the first high-quality project of Evergrande in Changchun, Changchun Evergrande Oasis was magnificently launched to the market in the Hi-tech Zone of Changchun. The launch of Changchun Evergrande Oasis attracted the attention of elites of the ...

  5. According to the announcement on November 12, Evergrande Real Estate (HK.3333) has acquired a landmark office building with a full sea view in Hong Kong at a price of 12.5 billion yuan, which sets a record as the largest acquisition of a whole office building in Hong Kong in recent years, making Evergrande Real Estate become the only mainland ...

  6. 2010年8月9日 · 8月29日,广州恒大广汽队客场迎战安徽方队。 经过近九十分钟的较量,恒大广汽队以4:0的大比分拿下比赛。 其中比奇、吴坪枫、穆里奇、冯俊彦各入一球。 比赛进行至第29分钟,穆里奇得球直传中路,比奇轻松推射破门;七分钟后,吴坪枫在中路接穆里奇传球后破门得分,比分扩大到2:0。 下半时,恒大广汽队攻击势头不减,并再度攻入两球。 其中第58分钟,穆里奇利用对方后防失误,断球后长趋直入推射远角得手,比分改写为3:0;第70分钟,恒大广汽队抓住反击机会,由冯俊彦推射再进一球,将比分定格在4:0。 据悉,早在5月1日两队在本赛季首度交锋。 坐镇主场的恒大广汽队就凭借冯俊彦打入的全场唯一进球,以1:0胜安徽方队。

  7. 恒大地产集团在280多个城市拥有1300多个项目,致力于打造高品质、高性价比的精品社区。. 按公司查看 按项目品牌查看. 全部项目 恒大御景半岛 恒大金碧天下 恒大华府 恒大名都 恒大绿洲 恒大山水城 恒大城 恒大雅苑 金碧新城 恒大翡翠龙庭 恒大国香山 恒大 ...

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