雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年1月11日 · 第三輯《愛在當下》微電影以家庭的愛為主題。 劇情講述家庭遭逢巨變的媽媽,面對丈夫突然確診癌症,繼而愛女發現腦腫瘤,幸好憑藉一家人相依相伴的愛,最終戰勝危疾。 微電影更邀得兩屆香港電影金像獎影后袁詠儀小姐擔任女主角,演活了一個妻子與慈母的雙重角色,再加上戲中小演員Mia出色的演技,成功帶出「當下最真 讓愛無憾」的訊息,喚醒大家及時去愛身邊人。 關於友邦香港及澳門. 友邦香港及澳門友邦保險是友邦保險集團附屬公司。 友邦保險集團於1931年開始經營香港的業務,至今擁有超過14,300名友邦財務策劃顧問 1 ,與及獨立理財顧問、經紀和銀行保險網絡。 我們的團隊為逾270萬客戶 2 提供專業服務及不同類型產品,包括個人壽險、團體人壽、意外、醫療、強積金、個人財物保險及多款投資選擇的投資連繫壽險計劃。

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  3. Further product information. A glossary for insurance terminology plus more information about Universal Life, Participating products, Macau products with medical reimbursement benefits and Important note for plan change.

  4. 本表格所收集的個人資料根據「AIA個人資料收集聲明」處理及只會被用作於聯絡閣下之用。然而所收集的個人資料未經您明確授權將不會轉移至「AIA個人資料收集聲明」列明以外之第三者機構。您可選擇不向我們提供所需的個人資料,惟這樣可能導致我們不能聯絡閣下。

  5. Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3. Overview. Featured benefits. Offers. Compare similar products. Get in touch. Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3. Offers up to 9 currency options so you can build your wealth with potentially greater returns. Benefit term Whole life. Issue age 15 days to age 80. Brochure.

  6. Offer 3 – Specified Savings Insurance Plans Premium Refund Offer. The promotion periods for (“Promotion Period”) Offer 3 are: The promotion period of Bonus Power Plan 3 is from 1 March 2020 to 31 March 2020, both days inclusive. The promotion period of Simply Love Encore 2 is from 1 January 2020 to 31 March 2020, both days inclusive.

  7. AIA’s “Bonus Power Plan (Enhanced Protection)” is specially designed for individuals who have reached a certain stage in their career and are starting to plan for the next chapter of their lives with comprehensive wealth management and protection.

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