雅虎香港 搜尋


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  2. Asia, Africa and the Middle East are home to the world’s most dynamic markets. And with a 170-year history in these regions, we can help you thrive. “一带一路” 倡议、大湾区建设、长三角一体化、人民币国际化、债券市场开放、跨境贸易、绿色和可持续金融 ...

  3. 2022年10月11日 · 如您有任何查詢或需要協助,請透過電話熱線或郵件與我們聯絡、或透過線上信息即時對話,解答您的銀行問題。 登入後查詢個人賬戶資料,如戶口結餘、信用卡獎賞,以及更多 1 全天侯提供產品及服務的資料,包括產品申請及優惠、附近的渣打自動櫃員機及分行位置等

  4. 2 天前 · 一直以來,渣打堅守著「以客為本」的信念,將您和您的意見,珍而重之。作為您的緊密夥伴,我們很希望能進一步了解您的需要,讓我們繼續求變求進,為您帶來更臻完善的產品及服務。 倘若您對我們的服務有任何意見,歡迎您隨時聯絡我們分行及客戶服務熱線的代表。

  5. Outdated browser detected For security reasons and improved client experience we only support modern browsers such as the ones listed below. To continue signing up ...

  6. 渣打銀行香港

  7. And for more complex packaging needs, we offer bespoke structuring solutions. For financing needs, we offer a full spectrum across our dynamic footprint – from traditional credit and debt market products, to specialised financing and beyond. And with custody, clearing and securities lending also available, we can support all your financial ...