雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 網上銀行匯款優惠及收費 交易費優惠:透過企業網上銀行,可享交易費用折扣高達56%。 透過網上銀行,可為經常辦理的匯款資料建立範本,方便日後使用,省時方便。 匯款項目收費請參閱我們的匯款服務收費表。 代理行費用-適用於選擇代理行費用由匯款人承擔

  2. Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (“BOCHK”) understands customers’ needs of wealth management in being more diversified and internationalized. Therefore, specially provides a comprehensive range of cross-border financial services that enable customers taking

  3. BOCHK has established a suite of global remittance services that provide business customers, through diversified branch network and electronic channels, with telegraphic transfer and local interbank transfer in all major settlement currencies. Time-saving, convenient and ease of use!

  4. 全球匯款. 中銀香港打造的全球匯款服務提供企業客戶通過多元化渠道以各主要結算貨幣辦理國際匯款及即時本地跨行轉賬,省時便捷,靈活有彈性;而透過「中銀快匯」借助銀行集團內系統聯動,在內地、香港、澳門與台灣之間調撥資金更彈指輕鬆。. 中銀香港 ...

  5. 中銀香港提供的進口代收服務,較信用證為簡單。. 你的供應商只需透過其銀行將單據交予本行,我們會即時通知你,並為你安排付款或承兌到期日付款,而單據亦在符合供應商的收款條件後交予你。. 進口代收的收款方式包括:. 當你付清單據上的款項後,便可 ...

  6. Personal Internet Banking Simple steps: Register the beneficiary account first – please follow the instructions to register the beneficiary account under "My Setting> My Account> Other Accounts Registration" Apply for remittance after registration - select the required remittance service under "Banking> Remittance" ...

  7. Name Address Postage Code SWIFT Code Phone Number Beijing Branch G/F, Business No.2 Fortune Time Plaza, No.11 Fenghui Garden, Xicheng District, Beijing, China 100032 NYCBCNSHXXX +86-010 58390888-702/703/704 Beijing Jianguomen Sub-Branch