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  1. european parliament 中文 相關

  2. Identify and mitigate risk across all of your AI systems with an impact assessment. Learn more about the EU AI Act, when it comes into force, and what it means for you.


  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. the Parliament of the European Union, originally established in 1952. From 1958 to 1979 it was composed of representatives drawn from the parliaments of member countries, but since 1979 direct elections have taken place every five years. Through the Single European Act (1987) it assumed a degree of sovereignty over national parliaments. It meets in Strasbourg, and its committee is in Brussels.

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  2. 作詞:WAYDE 高瑋德. 作曲:邱鋒澤. Woke up feeling bittersweet. Sunlight soaked in misery. I'm incomplete. Things might happen randomly. But I think I found you for a reason. Please believe. I'm trying trying trying trying to say.

  3. 別再拖拖拉拉. 太陽就要下山啦. 小朋友 妳們知道什麼是ok go嗎. OK go就是勇往直前的勇氣. 這顆種子在我心裡快要發芽啦. 每天我都為了它而更加努力呀. 更多更詳盡歌詞 在 ※ Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網. 爸爸媽媽說每個夢想都偉大. 兄弟姐妹一起衝呀.

  4. 國際歌 作詞:歐仁鮑狄埃 作曲:比爾狄蓋特 起來,飢寒交迫的奴隸,起來全世界受苦的人。 滿腔的熱血已經沸騰,要為真理而鬥爭! 舊世界打個落花流水,奴隸們起來起來! 不要說我們一無所有,我們要作天下的主人! 這是最後的鬥爭,團結起來到明天,英特納雄奈爾就一定要實現! 這是最後 ...

  5. Who will choose you only you. Hold your hand close to yourself and you'll find. I've always been here. I know all your fears. Never far but near. Always with you dear. I will love you for you. Through the darkness and light. Hold your hand close to yourself and you'll find.

  6. Here I Am 作詞:葛大為 作曲:陳又齊/JerryC (合唱) Here I Am…. Here I Am… x4 (阿弟) 約一個地方不用聽從時間 在這個空間音樂還是音樂 我們已到齊連你也算在內 (Toro) Here I Am (坤達) 指令一到位生成我的無限 準備好表現成為你的能源 綵排無數遍你在才.

  7. 唯一 作詞:告五人 雲安 改編詞:G.E.M. 鄧紫棋 作曲:告五人 雲安 編曲:G.E.M. 鄧紫棋、T-Ma馬敬恒 你真的懂唯 的定義 並不簡單如呼吸 你真的希望你能釐清 若沒交 怎麼說明 我真的愛你 句句不輕易 眼神中飄移 總是在關鍵時刻清楚洞悉 你的不堅定 配合我顛沛流離 死去中清醒 明 你背著我聰明

  8. 騎著單車的我倆 懷緊貼背的擁抱. 難離難捨想抱緊些 茫茫人生好像荒野. 如孩兒能伏於爸爸的肩膊 誰要下車. 難離難捨總有一些 常情如此不可推卸. 任世間再冷酷 想起這單車還有幸福可借. 經已給我怎會看不到. 雖說演你角色實在有難度. 從來虛位以待 何不給個 ...