雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The leatherjacket fish (Oligoplites saurus), also known as leather jack, is a species of jack in the family Carangidae. Leather jack may also refer to other members of the Carangidae, such as the pilot fish .

  2. 革鰺 ( 學名 : Oligoplites saurus ),為 條鰭魚綱 鱸形目 鱸亞目 鰺科 似鰺屬 下的一個種,分布於西 大西洋 區,從 美國 緬因州 至 烏拉圭 海域及半鹹水域,深度0-50公尺,體呈紡錘型且側扁,背部略微隆起,背鰭2個,尾鰭叉形,上頜後緣延伸超出眼後緣,上頜牙齒小而絨毛狀,背部藍綠色,側面和腹部銀白色,有時帶有黃色斑點,尾鰭及胸鰭淡黃色,背鰭硬棘5-6枚、背鰭軟條19-21枚、臀鰭硬棘2-3枚、臀鰭軟條18-21枚,體長可達35公分,體重可達0.9公斤287公克,成魚主要棲息在沿海沙泥底質河口、海灣,成群活動,活動快速,屬肉食性,以 魚類 及 甲殼類 為食,背鰭及臀鰭硬及具有毒腺,可做為食用魚。 參考文獻 [ 編輯]

  3. The leatherjacket fish (Oligoplites saurus), also known as leather jack, is a species of jack in the family Carangidae. Leather jack may also refer to other members of the Carangidae, such as the pilot fish.

  4. Several features set Leatherjackets apart from other fish species, these include: a small mouth with beak-like teeth, rough sometimes sandpaper like skin, small gill openings, and a single serrated spine on the top of the head that fits neatly into a groove. Most Leatherjackets are considered opportunistic feeders and readily feed on many ...

  5. 2022年2月24日 · Leather jacket Fish fish is high in protein and it’s very convenient to cook and eat. The best way to cook this fish with the pan-fried method. Step 1: defrost the fish overnight in the ...

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  7. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › ChaetodermisChaetodermis - Wikipedia

    Chaetodermis penicilligerus, also known as the prickly leather-jacket or tasselled leather-jacket, is a demersal marine fish belonging to the family Monacanthidae. This fish is in the monotypic genus Chaetodermis. It occasionally makes its way into the trade.

  8. The Yellowfin Leatherjacket is commonly found in estuarine seagrass beds and kelp-covered rocky reefs. At night this species can been seen biting onto a strand of seagrass to keep it anchored while it sleeps.

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