雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年1月12日 · 共享工作空間 5 大優勢. 1. 租約靈活. 共享辦公室的租約條款彈性高,使用者可以按自己的需要決定租約期,即使少於 6 個月短期使用亦可。. 對於剛剛起步、資金有限的初創公司而言,既方便進行預算,又可以配合業務發展隨時改變辦公方案。. 2. 設備完善. 共享 ...

  2. 網上平台. 自助報價及投保. 查閱保單詳情、保障餘額、付款紀錄等資料. 更改保單內容. 申請索償相關服務及查詢索償進度. 一般查詢. 由客服解釋產品特點及保障內容. 協助遞交投保申請. 提供申請進度查詢. 索償服務. 理賠服務顧問: 解答索償相關問題;協助申請索償、賠償估算、索償進度查詢、賠償結果闡述及出院免找數等服務. 索償專員: 由檢閱文件到索償批核,均由同一索償專員處理,並提供全面索償跟進及講解.

  3. Office hours Monday to Friday: 10 am – 5:30 pm Weekends and Public Holidays: Closed Hong Kong Island Centre Address Ground Floor, Queen’s Centre, 58 – 64 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (2 minutes walk from Three Pacific Place) Tau Kok ...

  4. We want to protect each of your special moments! Our company is named Bowtie because we want to build a brand that reaches out to everyone. Within 4 years, Bowtie has been providing a wide range of medical coverage to the Hong Kong public. ‍ Let's continue to deliver a better insurance experience for you. Total amount of Insurance Coverage.

  5. Bowtie’s pioneering online underwriting system is designed by medical doctors and reinsurance companies. With 95% multiple choice questions. No medical exam or report necessary. Click here to instantly check whether or not you can be insured. No need to

  6. BowtieVision is an eyecare plan providing comprehensive eye examination which evaluates your eyewear prescription and identifies glaucoma, cataracts and retinal problems. It can also reveal signs of general health issues such as diabetes, high cholesterol before symptoms appear. Contact us for details and quotation.

  7. 01. 02. Getting Yourself Covered. Simply fill out your personal information. Getting Your Family Covered. If you are getting a family member insured, you are then the policyholder and will need to fill out the personal information about yourself and your family. 03. 04. No Fee Charged for Unsuccessful Policy Approval.

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