雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Here are some top sightseeing ideas & fun indoor activities you can do as a tourist while experiencing bad weather or rainy days in Hong Kong. Ocean Park, Hong Kong Disneyland, Victoria Peak, museums, temples, markets, shopping and more.

  2. 赤柱市集(Stanley Market)位於香港島的赤柱,是最受遊客歡迎的 香港市集 之一。 毗鄰美麗清澈的淺水灣,這裡也是香港本地人週末度假休閒的最佳場所。 每天很多旅行團都到訪這裡,所以遊人絡繹不絕。 由於這裡有很多西式的酒吧,又很受外國人歡迎,所以在赤柱市集你可以發現西方和東方的各種特色紀念品。 除此之外,運動與休閒服裝,絲綢,裝飾品,藝術品,工藝品你都可以在這裡找到。 不過這裡因為太受遊客歡迎,很多商品的價格都不是很實在,所以購買時記得還價。 赤柱市集入口. 赤柱市集裡的小攤林立. 赤柱市集裡各種各樣的紀念品. 赤柱市集裡的中式紀念品. 赤柱市集裡的中式服裝(很多都是銷售給外國遊客的) 赤柱市集裡的特色布藝.

  3. The months of March to the beginning/middle of May are considered Spring in Hong Kong. Temperatures are between 18-27 C and humidity rises up to 70-85%. Be prepared for rain, fog and occasional showers during these months.

  4. Ultimate guide of Hong Kong Airport Express train: the fastest way from airport to downtown, ticket & discount, in-town Check-in services, timetable, how to use the train service and insider tips.

  5. “叮叮”電車 是遊覽香港最便宜的方式了。 每程只用港幣$ 2.3就可以繞著港島游個半天。 港島電車. “叮叮”電車將經過香港最受歡迎的幾個地區,例如灣仔,金鐘和中環,坐在車上游一游香港的這幾個著名的地區是很愜意的呢。 內行人小貼士: 記得乘坐前往堅尼地城方向的電車。 這裡有一個 電車西行線路圖 供你參考。 電車的入口在後門,請記住準備好零錢,因為電車不設找贖。 電車也可以以八達通付款。 山頂.

  6. Guide to Tian Tan Buddha (Big Buddha) – What to see and how to get there. Guide of The Big Buddha on Lantau Island. The Big Buddha, also referred to as Tian Tan Buddha or Giant Buddha, is one of the most-known attractions in Hong Kong by tourists. Lots of visitors pin it on their top list and must-do.

  7. The check-in service is still not yet available at Kowloon station and for other airlines. Hong Kong has two In-Town Check-In Counters. One is at “Kowloon” station and another is at “Hong Kong” station. Passengers can check in 24 hours before departure in these