雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 維多利亞教育機構的學前教育中心分別位於港島及九龍區,為8至36個月的幼兒提供優質的嬰幼兒遊戲班(Playgroup、pn班) 課程。 我們的嬰幼課程旨在培養孩子成為富好奇心、自信心、獨立思考和全面發展的學習者,對未來充滿熱誠和期盼!

  2. 海之戀校舍是機構首間於新界區開辦的幼兒園暨幼稚園. 嬰幼課程. 適合八至三十六個月大幼兒. 申請入學. 幼兒園. 適合二十個月 至兩歲半大幼兒. 申請入學. 幼稚園. 適合三十六個月 至六歲小朋友. 申請入學. 為什麼選擇「維多利亞」? 繼續閱讀. 體驗式學習. 優質教育. 繼續閱讀. VEO STORIES. To glean insights from our alumni’s successful academic journeys and to be inspired by their unique stories, make sure to check out our video series: VEO Stories. 畢業生分享・獲多間頂尖小學錄取.

  3. With eight international kindergartens and one nursery situated throughout Hong Kong, the Victoria kindergarten campuses share a common vision and curriculum, with each celebrating its own style and individual qualities.

  4. Victoria Playpark (VPP) 是維多利亞教育機構的成員,提供「兩文三語」的嬰幼兒探究式遊戲班課程。. 旨在培育8至36個月嬰幼兒的全人發展,透過具探索性的學習環境、寓學習於遊戲的教學活動,以及專業的親職教育方案,為他們升讀幼兒園或幼稚園作良好的準備。.

  5. 2020年10月28日 · 其實好睇你幼稚園想去邊,我個囝 playgroup 係Victoria + 耀中PN升Victoria,因為我覺得Victoria 出路闊D,但係佢喺耀中嘅日子係非常非常之開心,所以各有各好,睇吓你 aim d 咩

  6. Victoria Playpark (VPP) , located at Wan Chai Harcourt House and Tsim Sha Tsui K11 MUSEA, offers children aged 8 to 36 months trilingual, play-based and multisensory playgroup programmes that foster whole-person growth.

  7. Victoria Playpark提供兩文三語遊戲班課程,透過寓學習於遊戲的教學活動,促進幼兒的全人發展,達到適齡的學習目標。 我們專業的教學團隊透過說故事、語言學習、多感官遊戲、體能發展、音樂和美藝活動等,創造趣味性的學習體驗,為幼兒展開自我探索和認識 ...

  8. Causeway Bay Victoria Kindergarten & International Nursery. Admission. News & Events. Chief Principal's Column. Highlights. 6 Feb 2023. Columbia University’s Teachers College Reading and Writing Pr... Read More > 26 Jan 2023. Causeway Bay Victoria Kindergarten has been awarded the HKV-Awar... Read More > 4 Nov 2022. 「與孔美琪校長傾下偈」線上分享會. Read More >

  9. 2023年8月30日 · Playgroup是專為幼兒設計親子遊戲小組,旨在學前啟蒙幼兒認知,為入讀幼兒園(N班,亦稱PN班)或幼稚園(K班)做好準備。坊間開辦Playgroup的機構愈來愈多,想為子女在港九新界各區報讀優質Playgroup課程的爸媽,不妨參考以下Playgroup推介。

  10. Victoria Educational Organisation (VEO) offers the highest quality infant and toddler programmes for children aged 8 to 36 months in Hong Kong and Kowloon. Our infant and toddler programmes foster curious, confident, independent, and well-balanced little learners inspired and excited to make an impact on their future world!

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